Stage 1, mathematics, Year B – Unit 35
This two-week sample Stage 1 unit develops student knowledge and skills in understanding that a fraction can mean half a collection or half a measure.
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.
Students are provided opportunities to:
- engage in meaningful activities using repeated halving to explore halves, quarters and eighths
- create and explore collections of objects that have or have not been divided into halves, quarters and eighths
- investigate division through sharing and grouping a collection, including leftovers.
Representing whole numbers A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01, MA1-RWN-02
- Represent numbers on a line
- Represent the structure of groups of ten in whole numbers
Representing whole numbers B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01, MA1-RWN-02
- Use counting sequences of ones and tens flexibly
- Form, regroup, and rename three-digit numbers
Forming groups A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-FG-01
Recognise and represent division
Forming groups B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-FG-01
Model doubling and halving with fractions
Geometric measure A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-GM-03
Length: Subdivide lengths to find halves and quarters
Geometric measure B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-GM-03
Length: Repeatedly halve lengths to form eighths