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Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. Plus, information for parents including how to choose a service and supporting your child for their transition to school.
Access info for students, parents and carers including: calendars, school operational status, key initiatives, visitor check-in procedures, and translated documents.
Skills NSW helps post high school students find courses in vocational training across a wide variety of industries and course providers.
The NSW Department of Education is committed to employing the best and brightest teachers who can teach and make a difference in NSW public schools.
NSW Department of Education's information on curriculum taught in NSW schools, Aboriginal education and communities & personalised support.
Learn about the NSW education department, who we are and how we operate. Explore our people, accountabilities, jobs, opportunities and much more.
The NSW Government has made a commitment that every student in NSW will have guaranteed access to a co-educational public school by 2027.
The annual report contains information about public schools, early childhood education and Aboriginal affairs.
The Bushfire Relief Strategy supports the recovery of schools affected by the 2019/2020 bushfires and strengthens the planning, response and recovery management within our learnin…
How we are working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
The NSW submission to the Commonwealth Review into Quality Initial Teacher Education focuses on areas where national action to support teacher supply and teacher quality will bene…
Ensure our workplace is an environment where people feel represented, included and valued - where all employees feel they belong.
The Renewable Energy Workforce Plan seeks to build a skilled workforce to support the Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.
Aiming to support and strengthen outcomes in higher education will benefit students, education organisations, the State’s economic prosperity and community wellbeing.
The NSW Department of Education can lead in key areas of sustainability. We understand that sustainability is a broader concept than resource conservation and environmental protec…
The Plan outlines our five-year roadmap to ensure Education is an inclusive organisation for our students, staff and our community
Learn about our plan which is built on the power of public education to provide opportunities for all and to transform lives through learning.
Read the department's first Reconciliation Action Plan for corporate staff and see how we're working towards reconciliation.
We regularly provide information to the public about what we do, the results we achieve and the challenges we face.
The attraction and retention of key workers to rural and remote areas is a challenge for many geographically large jurisdictions, in Australia and around the world.
School Excellence is at the core of all work across NSW public schools, focusing on continuous school improvement.
The strategic management of school funding allows principals to meet student and school needs and improve student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
This strategy aims to build a culture based on trust, where staff thrive through the provision of safe, resilient and respectful workplaces, with safety and wellbeing underpinning…
The NSW Department of Education conducted a consultation process in relation to the Murwillumbah public schools.
Independent evaluation by UNSW’s Social Policy Research Centre on Country Universities Centres across NSW.
Our plan to eliminate racism and advance equity for all people in NSW public education.
In March 2023, the NSW Government committed to reducing teachers' administrative workload by at least five hours per week. The audit of teachers' administrative tasks was conducte…
The NSW Department of Education’s strategic plan for skills sets out a vision for the NSW skills system to support all people to participate in vocational education and training (…
The Multicultural Plan describes how we enact the values and Plan for NSW Public Education and observe the multicultural principles of the state to foster social cohesion.