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Information about working in or operating early childhood education services including outside school hours care. Plus, information for parents including how to choose a service and supporting your child for their transition to school.
Access info for students, parents and carers including: calendars, school operational status, key initiatives, visitor check-in procedures, and translated documents.
Skills NSW helps post high school students find courses in vocational training across a wide variety of industries and course providers.
The NSW Department of Education is committed to employing the best and brightest teachers who can teach and make a difference in NSW public schools.
NSW Department of Education's information on curriculum taught in NSW schools, Aboriginal education and communities & personalised support.
Learn about the NSW education department, who we are and how we operate. Explore our people, accountabilities, jobs, opportunities and much more.
About the National Quality Framework
Information on the risk based approach, assessment and rating, compliance and investigations and the National Quality Framework.
State and territory regulatory authorities are responsible for the administration of the National Quality Framework (NQF).
Information on how the NSW Regulatory Authority monitors services and providers’ compliance with legislation and approval conditions.
We welcome feedback from all of our stakeholders and aim to resolve any complaints promptly.
The Early Childhood Education Directorate has overarching principles for implementing its functions under the National Law and Regulations. We also use a number of regulatory poli…
Exchanging information relating to the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children attending early childhood education and care services in NSW.
Administrative decisions and processes in the public sector are open to challenge by persons affected by those decisions.
When a complaint or notification about a service is received, it is assessed with more serious matters being referred for formal investigation.
Information on notification types and timeframes, as well as how early childhood education and school aged care services can notify the NSW Regulatory Authority of an incident or …
The enforcement actions list provides details of providers and supervisors who have been convicted for offences and had that conviction recorded.
Early Childhood Education Directorate has regulatory responsibility to raise quality and drive improvement in NSW early education and care services.