Early Stage 1, mathematics – Unit 05

Develop students' understanding of how new shapes can be made from existing shapes by exploring the attributes of shapes, and by using combination and partitioning in this two-week unit.


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.

In this unit – 'New shapes can be made by joining (combining) or partitioning (breaking apart) existing shapes', students will learn that:

  • two-dimensional (2D) shapes can be made by joining (combining) and breaking apart (partitioning) existing shapes
  • shapes have attributes that are necessary for classification as that shape (features of triangles, circles, squares, rectangles)
  • necessary attributes are called features
  • shapes and objects can be halved in different ways
  • new shapes can be created by adding or removing sides
  • numbers, like shapes, have smaller numbers hiding inside of them (numbers 0 to 10).

Representing whole number – MAO-WM-01, MAE-RWN-01, MAE-RWN-02

  • Instantly name the number of objects within small collections
  • Recognise number patterns
  • Connect counting and numerals to quantities

Combining and separating quantities – MAO-WM-01, MAE-CSQ-01, MAE-CSQ-02

  • Model additive relations and compare quantities
  • Identify part–whole relationships in numbers up to 10

Geometric measure – MAO-WM-01, MAE-GM-03

Length: Create half a length

Two-dimensional spatial structure–MAO-WM-01, MAE-2DS-01

  • 2D shapes: Sort, describe and name familiar shapes
  • 2D shapes: Represent shapes


  • Combining and separating quantities
  • Early Stage 1
  • Geometric measure
  • Mathematics (2022)
  • Representing whole numbers
  • Two-dimensional spatial structure
  • Unit

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum and Reform
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