Stage 1, mathematics, Year B – Unit 39
This two-week unit develops student knowledge, understanding and skills with three-dimensional objects, volume and internal volume.
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.
In this unit, 'Objects can be sorted and classified in different ways', students are provided opportunities to:
- recognise that flat surfaces of 3D objects can be named as 2D shapes
- use mathematical vocabulary to name, describe and compare the features of 2D shapes and 3D objects
- deconstruct and construct prisms and cubes
- see how 3D objects can look different depending on the point of view as it is manipulated
- make and use a calibrated measuring device to measure and compare internal volume
- measure and compare volume of various 3D objects.
Representing whole numbers A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01, MA1-RWN-02
- Represent numbers on a line
- Represent the structure of groups of ten in whole numbers
- Use counting sequences of ones with two-digit numbers and beyond
Representing whole numbers B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01, MA1-RWN-02
- Use counting sequences of ones and tens flexibly
- Form, regroup and rename three-digit numbers
Two-dimensional spatial structure A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-2DS-01, MA1-2DS-02
2D shapes: Recognise and classify shapes using obvious features
Three-dimensional spatial structure A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-3DS-01, MA1-3DS-02
- 3D shapes: Recognise familiar three-dimensional objects
- 3D shapes: Sort and describe three-dimensional objects
- Volume: Measure and compare the internal volumes (capacities) of containers by filling
- Volume: Measure the internal volume (capacity) of containers by packing
- Volume: Construct volumes using cubes
Three-dimensional spatial structure B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-3DS-01, MA1-3DS-02
- 3D objects: Describe the features of three-dimensional objects
- Volume: Compare containers based on internal volume (capacity) by filling and packing
- Volume: Compare volumes using uniform informal units