Stage 1, mathematics, Year A – Unit 17

This two-week unit introduces students to formal units of measurement and further develops student knowledge, understanding and skills of uniform informal units of measurement.

In this unit, 'What needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement', students are provided opportunities to:

  • compare, order and match using direct and indirect comparison with length, area, volume, and mass
  • consider how choice of measuring unit affects accuracy
  • learn why centimetres and metres are useful and how to measure with them.

Representing whole numbers – MAO-WM-01, MA1-RWN-01, MA1-RWN-02

  • Represent the structure of ten in whole numbers
  • Represent the structure of ten in whole numbers

Combining and separating quantities A– MAO-WM-01, MA1-CSQ-01

  • Use advanced count-by-one strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
  • Recognise and recall number bonds up to ten
  • Use flexible strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
  • Represent equality

Forming groups – MAO-WM-01, MA1-FG-01

Represent and explain multiplication as the combining of equal groups

Geometric measure A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-GM-02

Measure the lengths of objects using uniform informal units

Geometric measure B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-GM-01, MA1-GM-02, MA1-GM-03

Recognise and use formal units to measure the length of objects

Two-dimensional spatial structure B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-2DS-02

Compare rectangular areas using uniform square units of an appropriate size in rows and columns

Three-dimensional spatial structure A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-3DS-01, MA1-3DS-02

  • Recognise familiar three-dimensional objects
  • Measure and compare the internal volumes (capacities) of containers by filling
  • Measure the internal volume (capacity) of containers by packing

Three-dimensional spatial structure B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-3DS-02

  • Compare containers based on internal volume (capacity) by filling and packing
  • Compare volumes using uniform informal units

Non-spatial measure A – MAO-WM-01, MA1-NSM-01

Investigate mass using an equal-arm balance

Non-spatial measure B – MAO-WM-01, MA1-NSM-01

Compare the masses of objects using an equal-arm balance


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


  • Geometric measure
  • Mathematics (2022)
  • Representing whole numbers
  • Stage 1
  • Three-dimensional spatial structure
  • Unit

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum and Reform
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