Multi-age 3–6, mathematics, Year B – Unit 14
This multi-age unit develops the big idea that what needs to be measured determines the unit of measurement.
Outcomes and content descriptors from Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.
In this 2-week unit, students are provided opportunities to:
- interpret commonly used fractions of a kilogram, including one half, one quarter, 3 quarters and relate these to the number of grams (Stage 2)
- select and use appropriate units to estimate, measure, compare and record lengths and masses
- convert between common metric units of mass and length
- use efficient strategies to calculate the perimeter of various shapes
- make connections between benchmark fractions and decimals (Stage 2 and 3) and percentages (Stage 3 only).
Syllabus focus and content groups
Representing numbers using place value B – MAO-WM-01, MA2-RN-02
Decimals: Extend the application of the place value system from whole numbers to tenths and hundredths
Geometric measure B – MAO-WM-01, MA2-GM-02
Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths
Non-spatial measure A – MAO-WM-01, MA2-NSM-01
Mass: Compare objects using the kilogram
Non-spatial measure B – MAO-WM-01, MA2-NSM-01
Mass: Use scaled instruments to measure and compare masses
Additive Relations A – MAO-WM-01, MA3-AR-01
Apply efficient mental and written strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
Additive Relations B – MAO-WM-01, MA3-AR-01
Applies known strategies to add and subtract decimals
Geometric measure B - MAO-WM-01, MA3-GM-02
- Length: Connect decimal representations to the metric system
- Length: Convert between common metric units of length
- Length: Solve problems involving the comparison of lengths using appropriate units
Non-spatial measure A – MAO-WM-01, MA3-NSM-01
Mass: Connect decimal representations to the metric system
Non-spatial measure B – MAO-WM-01, MA2-NSM-01
Mass: Convert between common metric units of mass