Planning, programming and assessing languages K–6

Resources to support you with implementing the languages syllabuses.

Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022)

The Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (NESA) was published in 2022.

In 2023, teachers engage with the syllabus, and plan and prepare for implementation of the curriculum.

In 2024, implementation commences in schools K–6.

In K–6, languages are not mandatory. However, primary schools which do run languages programs are required to use the relevant syllabus.

Information for school leaders explains more about the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus.

Programming guidelines

Programming guidelines for primary languages teachers using the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022).

Scope and sequences


The following units have been developed to support teachers implement the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus. The units have been designed so that they are easy for teachers of any language to adapt to their needs.

Early Stage 1

In this unit 'It's me!' (!هذا أنا), students introduce themselves to an Arabic speaking classmate. They ask and answer questions about their name and age.

In this unit 'Hello' (Ciao, boungiorno), students learn the language in a greetings song. They greet a classmate, ask them how they are, thank them and say goodbye.

In this unit 'Show and tell' (说说我的玩具), students introduce their favourite toy to the class in Chinese. They use numbers and colours when describing their toy.

Unit – Show and tell (DOCX 9.95 MB)


Stage 1

In this unit 'School canteen', students will make a bilingual poster about food available from the school canteen. They will discuss likes and dislikes before ordering food from the canteen.


In this unit 'The Sleepy Bear' (Η Νυσταγμένη Αρκούδα), students read and respond to an unfinished story. They then write the end of the story.

In this unit 'We are family' (نحن عائلة), students introduce members of their families in Arabic. They use simple greetings and rehearsed phrases to exchange information about their family with peers.

Unit – We are family (DOCX 11.6 MB)

In this unit 'Who did I see at the zoo?' (मैंने जंगल में क्या देखा?), students will create a page describing an animal in the class book ‘Who did I see at the zoo?’

Unit – Who did I see at the zoo? (DOCX 3.7 MB)

In this unit 'Introductions' (Introduzioni), students use culturally appropriate informal and formal language to greet and introduce people to each other.

Unit – Introductions (DOCX 5.9 MB)

In this unit 'Who is it?' (누구세요?), students take part in a game where they guess the identity of a classmate in Korean. They use rehearsed language and formulaic Korean phrases to share information about themselves.

Unit – Who is it? (DOCX 15 MB)


Learning map – Who is it? (PPTX 547 KB)

In this unit 'Party time!' (Giờ dự tiệc), students create a party invitation for their friends in Vietnamese, specifying details such as day, time and location of the party. They then use simple formulaic language and expressions to invite friends to a party.

Unit – Party time! (DOCX 6.93 MB)


In this unit, 'What's in my bag?' (包里有什么?) students create a video for a friend suggesting clothes and things to pack for a family holiday. They use vocabulary related to clothes and weather to create simple sentences.

Unit – What's in my bag? (DOCX 10.1 MB)


Stage 2

In this unit 'My neighbourhood', students will create a map of their local neighbourhood. They will give directions to a friend on how to get from school to a place in the local neighbourhood.


In this unit 'Food fair' (व्यंजन मेला), students create a video demonstrating how to prepare a culturally relevant recipe that they have written.

In this unit 'My pet is lost!' (!ضاع حيواني الأليف), students will create a flyer describing a lost pet. They will ask and respond to questions about their lost pet.

Unit – My pet is lost! (DOCX 38.8 MB)

In this unit 'At the markets' (Στη λαϊκή αγορά), students interact with peers using familiar vocabulary, formulaic phrases and questions to buy fruit and vegetables at a market.

Unit – At the markets (DOCX 6.47 MB)

In this unit 'I'm sick' (sono malato), students describe common ailments and give basic medical advice. They tell a teacher about an ailment and listen to their advice.

Unit – I'm sick (DOCX 17.38 MB)


In this unit, 'How's the weather? (날씨 어때요?), students present a weather forecast for a place in a season of their choice. They then write a short creative text describing how the weather affected their day.

Unit – How's the weather? (DOCX 8.19 MB)


In this unit, 'Friends forever', students describe a friend’s appearance, things that they do together and their personality.

Unit – Friends forever (DOCX 7.45 MB)


Learning map – Friends forever (PPTX 329 KB)

Stage 3

In this unit 'Welcome to my home', students will label rooms and objects in a home. They will create a video where they describe their home.


In this unit 'Eating at a restaurant' (Mangiare in un ristorante), students will create a restaurant menu and order food from a waiter.

Unit – Eating at a restaurant (DOCX 6.8 MB)


In this unit 'Family trip to Greece' (Οικογενειακό ταξίδι στην Ελλάδα), students plan an itinerary to Greece that includes places to visit and duration of stay in each place. They book the trip to Greece with a travel agent.

Unit – Family trip to Greece (DOCX 712.6 KB)

In this unit 'School tour' (विद्यालय का भ्रमण), students create a bilingual map of their school to support new language speaking families. They use the bilingual map when asking and responding to questions about the different parts of the school.

Unit – School tour (DOCX 3.4 MB)


In this unit 'My shop' (متجري), students promote a shop they have planned. They decide a theme for their store and describe products using modelled language.

Unit – My shop (DOCX 58.4 MB)


Learning map – My shop (PPTX 2.43 MB)

In this unit, students will create a poster about protecting the environment and propose 3 environmental initiatives to adopt at their school.

Unit – Planet protectors! (DOCX 2.29 MB)


Learning map – Planet protectors (PPTX 345 KB)

Additional resources

Additional resources to assist with planning and programming.

Assessing languages K–6

Advice on assessing languages K–6 – these resources support primary language teachers in their use of evidence-based assessment practices, including the Five elements of effective assessment practice.


Visit our catalogue to access all languages K–6 resources including learning sequences (2-week programs).

Chatterbox unit starter – include the Chatterbox unit starter in a task-based language learning unit as an activity to practise language for an upcoming task. It can also be used as an end-of-semester revision activity.

Australian animals – Stage 2 language sample unit

Interactive resources

Content and language integrated learning

Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) outlines a pedagogical approach to learning a language through content from other key learning areas.

Embedding Aboriginal pedagogies into language programs K–6

These resources support language teachers to embed Aboriginal pedagogies into their teaching. The resources make connections between the Aboriginal processes described in the 8 Ways pedagogical framework and language teaching pedagogy.

NESA advice

K–10 language syllabuses and support documentation including units are available from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).


  • Teaching and learning


  • All primary schools
  • Classroom teachers
  • Kindergarten
  • Languages
  • Teaching and learning
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6

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  • Curriculum
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