Quirky comics: Korean – bad day – level 1

This beginner text is about a girl who encounters a sequence of bad events while trying to get to school.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:

  • Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
  • They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
  • They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'Korean – bad day – level 1' (2:02).

Korean bad day level 1

(Duration: 2 minutes 2 seconds)

Bad Day Korean – Level 1

Frame 1-1

Girl with two hair buns: It’s 6 am! Today’s my Korean exam.

양갈래 머리 소녀: 아침6시예요! 오늘은 한국어 시험이 있어요.

Frame 1-2

Girl with two hair buns: Where’s my school bag?

양갈래 머리 소녀: 제 책가방은 어디에 있어요?

Frame 1-3

Girl with two hair buns: hmm... it’s not in the basket.

양갈래 머리 소녀: 흠... 바구니안에 없어요.

Frame 1-4

Girl with two hair buns: It’s not even in the closet.

양갈래 머리 소녀: 옷장안에도 없어요.

Frame 2-1

Girl with two hair buns: Ah! There is my school bag. It is under the bed. Now it is 7 am. It’s time to have breakfast.

양갈래 머리 소녀: 아! 제 책가방이 있어요. 침대 밑에 있어요. 지금은 아침 7시예요. 이제 아침밥 먹을 시간이에요.

Frame 2-2

Girl pouring cereal: Oh no! There’s no cereal

시리얼을 따르는 소녀: 이런! 시리얼이 없어요.

Frame 2-3

Girl pouring milk: There’s no milk too.

우유를 붓는 소녀: 이런! 우유도 없어요.

Frame 2-4

Girl with two hair buns and pink cat: The bread looks rotten too.

양갈래 머리 소녀 그리고 분홍색 고양이: 빵도 상한 것 같아요.

Frame 3-1

Fly inside orange juice: Oh no, what is this? There’s a fly in my juice.

오렌지 주스 안의 파리: 이런, 이게 뭐예요? 제 주스 안에 파리가 있어요.

Frame 4-1

Girl with two hair buns: It’s 8’o clock. I’m going to school. Why is it so quiet?

양갈래 머리 소녀: 지금은 8시예요. 학교에 가요. 왜 이렇게 조용해요?

Frame 4-2

Girl with two hair buns walking: I’ll revise for my exam. Verbs- to be, to play

걸어가는 양갈래 머리 소녀: 시험 공부를 해요. 동사- 되요, 놀아요

Frame 4-3

Girl with two hair buns steps on dog poop: Ah! What just happened?

똥밟은 양갈래 머리 소녀: 앗! 금방 무슨일이에요?

Frame 5-1

Red bus driving off: What a day!

출발하는 빨간버스: 하루가 참 안좋군요!

Frame 5-2

Girl with 2 hair buns: Stop!

양갈래 머리 소녀: 멈춰!

Frame 5-3

Girl with 2 hair buns walking: It’s 9 o’clock. I think I’m late for school.

양갈래 머리 소녀: 9시예요. 학교에 늦은 것 같아요.

Frame 6-1

Girl with 2 hair buns: Finally, I’ve reached. But why is it so quiet?

양갈래 머리 소녀: 드디어 도착했어요. 그런데, 왜 이렇게 조용해요?

Frame 6-2

Girl with 2 hair buns: Hello sir. Where are all students?

양갈래 머리 소녀: 안녕하세요. 학생들은 다 어디에 있어요?

Frame 6-3

Painter: Students? Today is Sunday.

페인터: 학생들? 오늘은 일요일이에요.

Frame 6-4

Girl with 2 hair buns: Sunday?

양갈래 머리 소녀: 일요일이요?

[End of transcript]


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


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