Quirky comics: Chinese – bad day – level 1

This beginner text is about a girl who encounters a sequence of bad events while trying to get to school.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, such as students:

  • use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves performing the stories as plays.
  • summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or end of the stories.
  • write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'Chinese – bad day – level 1' (1:58).

Chinese bad day level 1

(Duration: 1 minute 58 seconds)

Bad Day Chinese Level 1

Zāogāode yì tiān (zhōngwén) dìyījí

糟糕的一天 (中文)第一级

Frame 1-1

Girl with two hair buns: It’s 6 am! Today’s my Chinese exam

Liù diǎn lā! Jīntiān wǒ yǒu zhōngwén kǎoshì.

Girl with two hair buns: 六点啦!今天我有中文考试.

Frame 1-2

Girl with two hair buns: Where’s my school bag?

Wǒ de shūbāo zài nǎlǐ?

Girl with two hair buns: 我的书包在哪里?

Frame 1-3

Girl with two hair buns: It’s not in the basket.

bú zài lánzi lǐ。

Girl with two hair buns: 不在篮子里。

Frame 1-4

Girl with two hair buns: It’s not even in the closet.

Tā jūrán bú zài guìzi lǐ

Girl with two hair buns: 它居然不在柜子里。

Frame 2-1

Girl with two hair buns: Ah! There is my school bag. It is under the bed. Now it is 7 am. It’s time to have breakfast

Hā! Wǒ zhǎodào shūbāo le。 Zài chuáng dǐxia。 Xiànzài qī diǎn le. Gāi chī zǎofàn le。

Girl with two hair buns: 哈!我找到书包了。在床底下。现在七点了。该吃早饭了。

Frame 2-2

Girl pouring cereal: Oh no! There’s no cereal

ā, bú huì bā! Méiyǒu màipiàn le。

Girl pouring cereal: 啊, 不会吧!没有麦片了。

Frame 2-3

Girl pouring milk: There’s no milk too.

Niúnǎi yě méiyǒu le 。

Girl pouring milk: 牛奶也没有了。

Frame 2-4

Girl with two hair buns and pink cat: The bread looks rotten too.

Miànbāo kànshàngqù yě huàile。

Girl with two hair buns and pink cat: 面包看上去也坏了。

Frame 3-1

Fly inside orange juice: Oh no, what is this? There’s a fly in my juice.

ā, tiānna, zhè shì shénme? Guǒzhī lǐ yǒu yì zhī cāngyíng。

苍蝇飞到橙汁里:啊, 天哪,这是什么?果汁里有一只苍蝇。

Frame 4-1

Girl with two hair buns: It’s 8’o clock. I’m going to school. Why is it so quiet?

Yǐjīng bā diǎn le。 Wǒ yào qù shàngxué le。 Wèishénme zhème ānjìng?

Girl with two hair buns: 已经八点了。我要去上学了。为什么这么安静?

Frame 4-2

Girl with two hair buns walking: I’ll revise for my exam. Verbs- to be, to play

Wǒ yào fùxí yíxià kǎoshì nèiróng。 Dòngcí- shì, wán

Girl with two hair buns walking: 我要复习一下考试内容。动词-是,玩

Frame 4-3

Girl with two hair buns steps on dog poop: Ah! What just happened?

ā! Gānggang fāshēng le shénme?

Girl with two hair buns steps on dog poop: 啊!刚刚发生了什么?

Frame 5-1

Red bus driving off: What a day!

Zhēnshì zāogāo de yì tiān

Red bus driving off: 真是糟糕的一天

Frame 5-2

Girl with 2 hair buns: Stop!

Tíng yì tíng!

Girl with 2 hair buns: 停一停!

Frame 5-3

Girl with 2 hair buns walking: It’s 9 o’clock. I think I’m late for school.

Yǐjīng jiǔ diǎn le。 Wǒ xiǎng wǒ shàngxué yǐjīng chídào le。

Girl with 2 hair buns walking: 已经九点了。 我想我上学已经迟到了。

Frame 6-1

Girl with 2 hair buns: Finally, I’ve reached. But why is it so quiet?

Zǒngsuàn dàole。 Kěshì wèishénme zhème ānjìng?

Girl with 2 hair buns: 总算到了。可是为什么这么安静?

Frame 6-2

Girl with 2 hair buns: Hello sir. Where are all students?

Shūshu hǎo。 Xuéshēngmen dōu qù nǎ le?

Girl with 2 hair buns: 叔叔好。学生们都去哪了?

Frame 6-3

Painter: Students? Today is Sunday.

Xuéshēngmen? Jīntiān shì xīngqītiān。

Painter: 学生们?今天是星期天。

Frame 6-4

Girl with 2 hair buns: Sunday?


Girl with 2 hair buns: 星期天?

[End of transcript]


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


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