Quirky comics: Japanese – Alien! 1
This beginner text is about a boy who sees an alien.
The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:
- Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
- They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
- They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.
The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.
Watch 'Alien! – Level 1' (1:20)
(Duration: 1 minutes 20 seconds)
Yane no ue no uchuujin
Frame 1-1
Boy with spiky hair: じゅん!じゅん!おに!
Jun! Jun! Oni!
Frame 1-2
Jun: へえ?
Frame 1-2
Boy with spiky hair: おおきい!みどり!
Ookii! Midori!
Frame 1-3
Jun: おかしいね!
Oksahii ne!
Frame 2-1
Boy with spiky hair: あたまのうえにantenaある。
Atama no ue ni antena aru.
Frame 2-2
Jun: うちゅうじん?
Frame 2-3
Boy with spiky hair: うん。めおおきい。 gyorogyoro.
Un. Me ookii. gyorogyoro
Frame 2-4
Jun: こわいなあ!
Kowai naa!
Frame 3-1
Boy with spiky hair: はなはながい!きゅうりみたい!
Hana wa nagai! Kyuuri mitai!
Frame 3-2
Jun: きゅうりみたい??へえ?
Kyuuri mitai?? Hee?
Frame 3-3
Boy with spiky hair: かおgoriraみたい!ひげある!
Kao gorira mitai! Hige aru!
Frame 3-4
Jun: そう??
Frame 4-1
Jun: うでは?あしは?
Ude wa? Ashi wa?
Frame 4-2
Boy with spiky hair: ない。
Frame 4-3
Jun: しっぽは?
Shippo wa?
Frame 4-4
Boy with spiky hair: うん、ある。くろい。
Un, aru. Kuroi.
Frame 4-5
Jun: みにいこう!
Mi ni ikou.
Frame 4-6
Boy with spiky hair: うん、はやく!
Un, hayaku!
Frame 5-1
Jun: ばか!!!ぼくのおとうさん!
Baka!!! Boku no otousan!
Please note:
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Languages K-10 Syllabus External link© NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2019