Quirky comics: Spanish – sick – level 1

This beginner text is an entertaining text about students who feel sick at school and have to go to the nurse.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:

  • Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
  • They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
  • They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'Spanish – Sick – level 1' (3:04).

Spanish sick level 1

(Duration: 3 minutes 4 seconds)

Sick (¡Huy!) – Level 1

Frame 1-1

Girl with braids: Tengo hambre, ¡tengo mucha hambre!

I’m hungry. So hungry!

Frame 1-2

Boy with blond tuft: Señor, ¡Gaelle está enferma!

Sir! Gaelle is sick!

Frame 1-3

Girl with braids: Me duele el estómago.

My stomach hurts.

Frame 1-4

Teacher: Bueno entonces ve a la enfermería.

Right, then go to sick bay.

Frame 1-5

Boy with blond tuft: ¿Qué comiste al mediodía?

What did you each at lunch time?

Frame 1-6

Girl with braids: Comí muchos espaguetis en la cafetería. Demasiados espaguetis… ¡Huy mi estómago!

I ate a lot of spaghetti in the cafeteria. Too much spaghetti. Oh, my stomach!

Frame 2-1

Boy with blond tuft: Señora, ¡Gaelle está enferma!

Miss, Gaelle is sick!

Frame 2-2

Nurse: Comiste demasiados espaghetis en la cafeteria, ¿verdad?

You ate too much spaghetti in the cafeteria, didn’t you?

Frame 2-3

Nurse: Bueno, está bien. Tengo unas tiritas.

Well, that’s OK. I have band-aids.

Frame 3-1

Girl with braids: Aquí está. Una pequeña tirita.

Here you go. A little band-aid.

Frame 3-2

Boy with blond tuft: ¿Qué? ¿Eso es todo? ¿Ningún medicamento?

What? Is that it? No medicine?

Narrator: (En el pasillo)

In the hallway

Frame 3-3

Boy with blond tuft: Oh, ¡pobrecitos! ¿También están enfermos?

Oh, poor things. Are they sick too?

Frame 3-4

Nurse: No, cayeron por las escaleras. Pero todo está bien. Todos tienen una tirita.

No, they fell down the stairs. But it’s OK. They all have a band-aid.

Frame 4-1

Girl with red hair: ¿No estás bien?

Are you OK?

Frame 4-2

Boy with blue helmet: No, me caí de la bicicleta. ¡Huy!

No, I fell off my bike. Ouch!

Frame 4-3

Girl with red hair: ¿Qué te duele?

What did you hurt?

Frame 4-4

Boy with blue helmet: Me duele el pie.

My foot hurts.

Frame 4-5

Girl with red hair: ¡Rápido! ¡A la enfermería!

Quick! To sick bay.

Frame 4-6

Nurse voice over: Ningún problema. Aquí tienes una tirita.

No problem. Here’s a band-aid.

Frame 5-1

Boy with red nose: ¡Huy! ¡Tengo frío!

Oh! I’m cold!

Frame 5-2

Boy with red nose: ¡Vaya! Tengo un resfriado.

Oh! I have a cold.

Frame 5-3

Nurse voice over: Ningún problema. Aquí tienes una tirita.

No problem. Here’s a band-aid.

Frame 6-1

Boy with blond tuft: ¡No hay medicamentos para el estómago! ¡No hay medicamentos para el resfriado! ¡No hay vendajes! Hay solo un paquete de tiritas. ¡Qué terrible! Vamos a la oficina de la directora.

No medicine for your stomach. No medicine for a cold. No bandages. Only a packet of band-aids. That’s terrible. We are going to the principal’s office.

Frame 6-2

Principal: Claro, entiendo. ¡Qué terrible. ¡Llamo ahora mismo!

I understand. How terrible. I am calling right now.

Frame 6-3

Principal: ¿Hola?


Frame 7-1

Narrator: Un camión llega al colegio.

A truck arrives at the school.

Frame 7-2

Nurse: Ah, ¡por fin! ¡Aquí están las tiritas!

Ah finally! Here are the band-aids!

[End of transcript]


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022)External link © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


  • Modern Languages K-10
  • Spanish
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3

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  • Curriculum
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