Quirky comics: Chinese – sick – level 2

This intermediate text is an entertaining text about students who feel sick at school and have to go to the nurse.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:

  • Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
  • They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
  • They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'Chinese – sick – level 2' (3:58).

Chinese sick level 2

(Duration: 3 minutes 58 seconds)

Sick Chinese – Level 2

1. 生病 [中文] – 第 2 级

shēng bìng (zhōngwén) - dì èr jí

Frame 1-1

Girl with braids: Today, I'm feeling so hungry.

Shū biànzi nǚhái: Jīntiān, Wǒ hǎo è

梳辫子女孩: 今天,我好饿

Frame 1-2

Boy with blond tuft: Sir, Lili is sick

Jīnsècùfā nánhái: Lǎoshī, Lìli shēngbìng le

金色簇发男孩: 老师,丽丽生病了

Frame 1-3

Girl with braids: Ah! My tummy. My stomach is hurting.

Shū biànzi nǚhái: o! wǒ de dùzi! wǒ dùzi téng

梳辫子女孩: 噢!我的肚子! 我肚子疼。

Frame 1-4

Teacher: Take Liang liang! Go to the nurse immediately.

Lǎoshī: gēn liàng liàng yì qǐ gǎnkuài qùkàn hùshì ba

老师: 跟亮亮一起 赶快去看护士吧!

Frame 1-5

Boy with blond tuft: What did you eat for lunch?

Jīnsècùfā nánhái: nǐ wǔfàn chī shénme le?

金色簇发男孩: 你 午饭 吃什么了?

Frame 1-6

Girl with braids: I ate too much spaghetti in the canteen. Ow! It hurts!

Shūbiànzi nǚhái: Wǒ zài shítáng chīle tàiduōde yìdàlì miàn. Āiyō! Zhēn téng!

梳辫子女孩: 我在食堂吃了太多的 意大利面。哎哟! 真疼!

Frame 2-1

Boy with blond tuft: Excuse me? Nurse, Lili feels sick. She has a sore stomach...She ate too much spaghetti in the canteen

Jīnsècùfā nánhái: Dǎrǎo yíxià, hùshì, Lìli gǎnjué bù shūfu. Tā dùzi téng...Tā zài shítáng chīle tài duōde yìdàlì miàn

金色簇发男孩: 打扰一下, 护士,丽丽 感觉不舒服。她 肚子疼...她在食堂吃了太多的 意大利面

Frame 2-2

Nurse: You’re sick?

Hùshì: Nǐ shēngbìng le ma?

护士: 你生病了吗?

Frame 2-3

Nurse: Don’t worry! A band-aid will fix everything.

Hùshì: Bié dānxīn! Chuàngkětiē shénme dōunéng zhì.

护士: 别担心! 创可贴什么都能治。

Frame 3-1

Nurse: Here you go! Now you’ll be fine soon.

Hùshì: Gěi nǐ! Nǐ hěn kuài jiù huì hǎo qǐlái de.

护士: 给你! 你很快就会好起来的。

Frame 3-2

Boy with blond tuft: What! A band aid for a sore stomach?

Jīnsècùfā nánhái: Shénme! Yòng chuàngkětiē zhì dùzi téng?

金色簇发男孩: 什么! 用创可贴治肚子疼?

Frame 3-3

Narrator: In another room

Pángbái: Zài lìng yígè fángjiān

旁白: 在另一个房间

Frame 3-4

Boy with blond tuft: What happened to these kids? Are they sick too?

Jīnsècùfā nánhái: Zhèxiē háizi zěnme le? Tāmen yě shēngbìng le ma?

金色簇发男孩: 这些孩子怎么了? 他们也生病了吗?

Frame 3-5

Nurse: No! He fell from stairs. Don’t worry. Headache or stomachache, a band aid will fix everything.

Hùshì: o! Tā cóng lóutīshàng shuāi xiàlái le. Bié dānxīn. Bùguǎn shì tóuténg háishì dùzi téng, chuàngkětiē dōunéng zhì.

护士: 噢! 他从楼梯上摔下来了。别担心。不管是头疼还是肚子疼,创可贴都能治。

Frame 4-1

Girl with red hair: What happened, Mingming?

Hóngfà nǚhái: Fāshēng shénme shìle, míngmíng?

红发女孩: 发生什么事了, 明明?

Frame 4-2

Boy with blue helmet: Ah! I fell off my bike.

Lántóukuī nánhái: Ā! Wǒ cóng zìxíngchē shàng shuāi xiàlái le.

蓝头盔男孩: 啊! 我从自行车上摔下来了。

Frame 4-3

Girl with red hair: Where are you hurt?

Hóngfà nǚhái: Nǐ nǎlǐ shòushāng le?

红发女孩: 你哪里受伤了?

Frame 4-4

Boy with blue helmet: On my foot. My foot is swollen.

Látóukuī nánhái: Wǒde jiǎo. Wǒde jiǎo zhǒng le.

蓝头盔男孩: 我的脚。我的脚肿了。

Frame 4-5

Girl with red hair: Let’s go to the nurse now

Hóngfà nǚhái: Wǒmen xiànzài qù kàn hùshì ba.

红发女孩: 我们现在去看护士吧

Frame 4-6

Nurse voice over: Don’t worry. Here’s a band-aid.

Hùshì pángbái: Bié dānxīn. Zhè yǒu chuàngkětiē.

护士旁白: 别担心。这有创可贴。

Frame 5-1

Boy with red nose: Brrr!!! It’s so cold and it’s raining heavily.

Hóngbízi nánhái: He!!! tài lěng le, yǔ xiàdé zhēndà。 .

红鼻子男孩: 呵 !!! 太冷了,雨下得真大。

Frame 5-2

Boy with red nose: Boy with red nose: Acchoo! I have a runny nose and a sore throat. I’m going to nurse.

Hóngbízi nánhái: Ā tì! Wǒ liú bítì, sǎngzi téng. Wǒ yào qù kàn hùshì.

红鼻子男孩: 啊嚏! 我流鼻涕,嗓子疼。我要去看护士。

Boy with red nose: aachhoo!

Hóngbízi nánhái: Ā tì!

红鼻子男孩: 啊嚏!

Frame 5-3

Nurse voice over: Don’t worry. Here’s a band-aid.

Hùshì pángbái: Bié dānxīn. Zhè yǒu chuàngkětiē.

护士旁白: 别担心。这有创可贴。

Frame 6-1

Boy with blond tuft: There is no medicine for a stomach-ache. There is no medicine for a cold. There are band-aids for every sickness. No medicine. Let’s quickly go and tell the Principal.

Jīndǐng nánhái: Méiyǒu zhì dùziténg de yào. Méiyǒu zhì gǎnmào de yào. shénmebìng dōuyòng chuàngkětiē。 shénmeyào dōuméiyǒu Wǒmen kuài qù gàosù xiàozhǎng ba.

金顶男孩: 没有治肚子疼的药。没有治感冒的药。什么病都用创可贴。什么药都没有。我们快去告诉校长吧。

Frame 6-2

Teacher: Kids, you’re absolutely right. This is very bad. I’ll take care of it

Lǎoshī: Háizimen, nǐmen zuòdé tàihǎole . Zhè fēicháng zāogāo. Wǒ huì chǔlǐ zhèjiànshì de. 老师: 孩子们,你们做得太好了。这非常糟糕。我会处理这件事的

Frame 6-3

Teacher: Good morning! Can you hear me?

Lǎoshī: Zǎoshang Hǎo! Nǐ néng tīngjiàn wǒ ma?

老师: 早上好! 你能听见我吗?

Frame 7-1

Truck arrives: A truck arrives at school

Kǎchē dàodá: Yí liàng kǎchē dàole xuéxiào

卡车到达: 一辆卡车到了学校

Frame 7-2

Nurse: 99, 100. Very good! I’ve enough band-aids for everyone.

Hùshì: Jiǔshíjiǔ, yìbǎi. Fēicháng hǎo! Wǒ yǒu zúgòude chuàngkětiē gěi měigèrén yòng.

护士: 99, 100. 非常好! 我有足够的创可贴给每个人用。

[End of transcript]


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


  • Chinese
  • Modern Languages K-10
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3

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