Quirky comics: Italian – Buon compleanno! 1
This beginner text is about a young man who receives a mysterious phone call that leads him to different places.
The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:
- Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
- They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
- They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.
The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.
Watch 'Buon compleanno! – Level 1' (2:23)
(Duration: 2 minutes 23 seconds)
Frame 1-1
Man with blue hair: Pronto?
Telephone: Andrea, vai al bar della stazione alle nove.
Man with blue hair: Pronto? Chi è? Pronto? Pronto?
Frame 1-2
Man with blue hair: Alla stazione! Alle nove! Perché?
Frame 2-1
Woman with orange hat: Ciao. Come ti chiami?
Man with blue hair: Andrea!
Woman with orange hat: Ecco!
Man with blue hair: Grazie. Cos'é?
Woman with orange hat: Un biglietto. Ciao.
Frame 2-2
Man with blue hair: URGENTE. Dove - dal parrucchiere a Piazza Venezia. Ora - alle dieci.
Frame 3
Woman with purple sunglasses: Ciao. Sei Andrea?
Man with blue hair: Sì. Sono Andrea. E tu?
Woman with purple sunglasses: La parrucchiera. Prova questi.
Man with blue hair: Parrucca! Baffi! Perché?
Woman with purple sunglasses: Ascolta bene! Vai a Via Nazionale, 60.
Man with blue hair: Quando? Perché?
Woman with purple sunglasses: Alle undici. Vai! Presto!
Frame 4-1
Woman with pink wig: Ciao. Come stai?
Man with blue hair: Bene, grazie. E tu?
Woman with pink wig: Bene. Prova questa.
Man with blue hair: Cos'è?
Woman with pink wig: Una giacca!
Frame 4-2
Woman with pink wig: Bene, sei pronto!
Man with blue hair: Sono buffo!
Woman with pink wig: Sei carino. Vai all'Albergo "La Lupa".
Man with blue hair: Quando? Perché?
Woman with pink wig: Alle dodici. Vai, presto!
Frame 5-1
Woman with eye patch: Buongiorno.
Man with blue hair: Buongiorno. Sono Andrea.
Woman with eye patch: Benvenuto Andrea. Prova questi.
Man with blue hair: Occhiali? Ma…
Woman with eye patch: Bene, sei pronto. Andiamo al quinto piano.
Frame 5-2
Man with blue hair: Pronto? Baffi? Parrucca? Occhiali? Boh!
Frame 6
Elevator (woman’s voice): Primo piano.
Elevator (woman’s voice): Secondo piano.
Elevator (woman’s voice): Terzo piano.
Elevator (woman’s voice): Quarto piano.
Elevator (woman’s voice): Quinto piano.
Woman in elevator: Sorpresa, buon compleanno!
[End of transcript]
Please note:
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Languages K-10 Syllabus External link© NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2019