Literacy and numeracy priorities
Literacy and numeracy form the foundations students need for deep learning across the curriculum and the development of skills essential to everyday life.
The priorities for improving literacy and numeracy are underpinned by strong evidence-based research, providing a shared understanding and accountability for student literacy and numeracy improvement.
These priorities brings together resources at all levels aligned to department reforms in curriculum, School Excellence and the achievement of school targets.
There is a whole school and system approach to literacy and numeracy achievement from preschool to Year 12.
School leadership is focussed on improving student literacy and numeracy.
All teachers use effective practices to improve student literacy and numeracy outcomes through curriculum.
Schools and systems use data to inform literacy and numeracy improvement.
Families are supported as partners in their children’s literacy and numeracy development.
Find out more
- Visit Literacy and numeracy priorities for department staff (staff only)
- Join the Literacy NSW and Numeracy NSW statewide staffrooms (staff only)