Secondary writing - Introductory module


This online professional learning provides an overview of the evidence base and frameworks to support the explicit teaching of writing across every stage and subject area in secondary schools.  Participants will learn about the evidence base for writing instruction and the critical elements involved in supporting students to create written texts across the curriculum.

Who should participate?

Secondary classroom teachers 

Mode of delivery



Completing this course will help you to:

  • explore the evidence base for the teaching of writing through the curriculum 
  • engage with instructional frameworks which outline the processes involved in skilled writing development
  • understand the role of cognitive load in learning to write
  • reflect on your own classroom practices.

Register for ‘Secondary writing – Introductory module’ via MyPL (course code NR43487).


If you have any questions, contact


  • Literacy


  • Literacy
  • Writing

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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