Supporting transition to Year 7
Information supporting department schools to understand incoming Year 7 students’ reading and numeracy skills.
The online opt in form is available until Wednesday 26 February.
Transition to Year 7 assessment
The Transition to Year 7 assessment will not be offered in 2025.
To support the transition to high school, department schools can review Scout transition reports to help decide whether individual students might participate in supplementary assessments.
Support for department high schools
Transition reports in Scout
Scout reports, based on data from the 2024 Year 6 Term 3 Check-in assessment are available from Term 4.
Interim Transition 6 to 7 Cohort reports
Interim reports are available from Term 4 2024. Schools can view reports for students with an ‘Applied to Enrol’ status in Enrolment and Registration Number (ERN) who will enter Year 7 in 2025.
Transition 6 to 7 Cohort reports
From Week 1, Term 1, 2025, updated Scout reports are available including incoming Year 7 students with an ‘Enrolled in Attendance’ status in ERN.
Supplementary Year 7 assessment for department schools
An online assessment for department schools will be available in Term 1 (10 to 28 February 2025) for schools who wish to assess individual students who did not complete Year 6 Check-in assessments in Term 3 in the previous year.
There are 2 assessments:
- reading
- numeracy
Each assessment is designed to be quick to administer, consisting of 40 multiple choice questions.
Student assessment feedback is available to teachers in the assessment tool shortly after each assessment is submitted.
Schools can use this feedback to understand a student’s reading and numeracy skills in lieu of Check-in assessment data.
Schools have the flexibility to schedule and complete each assessment anytime during the window to suit school and timetabling needs.
How do department schools participate?
Schools review Scout transition reports to help decide whether individual students might participate in one or both assessments (that is, students who did not complete Year 6 reading and/or numeracy Check-in assessments in Term 3 in the previous year).
Schools choosing to participate complete an online opt in formExternal link.
Information for schools requiring large print or Braille student materials
Vision impaired student materials are available for the Supplementary Year 7 assessment if your student is supported by an Itinerant Support Teacher Vision. If required, email the completed (Staff only) Request for alternate format student materials - DoE' form (PDF 332 KB)External link to no later than Thursday 20 February 2025.
More information
Department schools
Email the Student assessment team at
Parents and carers
If you have any questions, please speak to your school.