Respiratory health effects of exposure to low-NOx unflued gas heaters in the classroom

Image: Respiratory health effects of exposure to low-NOx unflued gas heaters in the classroom
Authors Guy B. Marks, Wafaa Ezz, Nathan Aust, Brett G. Toelle, Wei Xuan, Elena Belousova, Carmen Cosgrove, Bin Jalaludin and Wayne T. Smith
Evaluator company Woolcock Institute of Medical Research
Year 2010
Classification Gold
Study type Randomised controlled trial
Evaluation type Outcome


The aim of the study was to compare the respiratory health effects and air quality consequences of exposure to low-NOx unflued gas heaters with exposure to non–indoor-air-emitting flued gas heaters in school classrooms. The method used was a double-blind, cluster-randomized, crossover study of 400 primary school students attending 22 schools in New South Wales using objective measurement of respiratory health effects in the classroom. The authors found that classroom exposure to low-NOx unflued gas heaters causes increased respiratory symptoms, particularly in atopic children, but is not associated with significant decrements in lung function. They concluded that it is important to seek alternative sources of heating that do not have adverse effects on health.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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