Low SES School Communities National Partnership: evaluation of school external partnerships - progress report 3

Image: Evaluation of school external partnerships: Progress report 3
Authors Louise Watson, Jenny Chesters, Affrica Taylor, Adam Murray, Stephen Lamb, Michael Long, Merryn Davies and Esther Doecke
Evaluator company University of Canberra and University of Melbourne
Year 2013
Classification Unclassified
Study type -
Evaluation type Process


This report examines the types of external partnerships undertaken by a sub-set of schools participating in the Low Socio-economic Status School Communities National Partnership (Low SES NP). The authors analysed survey data from 285 schools to find out principals' perceptions of the effectiveness of a range of partnerships including partnerships with parents and carers, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, training providers and other schools. Key findings from the evaluation include: almost all principals (96 per cent) reported school external partnerships with parents or carers, and 83 per cent of respondents reported engaging in partnerships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. In addition, it was found that the Low SES NP has supported the expansion of external partnerships in Low SES NP schools.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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