Evaluation of the take-up and sustainability of new literacy and numeracy practices in NSW schools: Phase 3

Image: Evaluation of the take-up and sustainability of new literacy and numeracy practices in NSW schools: Phase 3
Authors Tim Wyatt and Robert Carbines
Evaluator company Erebus International
Year 2013
Classification Other evidence
Study type Pre-post study
Evaluation type Both process and outcome


This report examines the sustainability of the impact of the National Partnership for Literacy and Numeracy (NPLN) in NSW, two years after the cessation of funding for the initiative. The report analyses data from a principal survey, 20 case studies and student achievement data. The evaluation found that sustained positive impact was evident where schools experienced continuity of key staff; where there was a strong understanding of the goals of the NPLN within the school and where staff possessed a strong commitment to improve student outcomes. Despite positive anecdotal evidence, the evaluation found that there was no significant change in student outcomes in SSNP schools as measured by average NAPLAN reading and numeracy scores.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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