Low SES School Communities National Partnership: evaluation of school external partnerships - case studies, progress report 2

Image: Evaluation of school external partnerships: Case studies, progress report 2
Authors -
Evaluator company The University of Canberra’s Education Institute (UCEI) and The Centre for Research on Education Systems (CRES) of the University of Melbourne
Year 2012
Classification Unclassified
Study type -
Evaluation type Process


This is the second progress report of the evaluation of External Partnership component of the Low Socio-economic Status School Communities National Partnership initiative. In line with the project’s evaluation plan it focuses on school partnerships with parents. The evaluation involved selecting a number of case study schools and conducting telephone interviews and site visits. The report identified a number of unique ways that school communities communicated with parents, which the broader school community can learn from to inform their own engagement strategies. The evaluators also identify a number of challenges for schools, particularly in terms of partnering with specific social and cultural groups e.g. language background other than English (LBOTE), low SES and Aboriginal parents and carers.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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