Count Me In Too: the Learning Framework In Number and its impact on teacher knowledge and pedagogy

Image: Count Me In To: The Learning Framework In Number and its impact on teacher knowledge and pedagogy
Authors Janette Bobis
Evaluator company University of Sydney
Year 2009
Classification Other evidence
Study type Expert opinion
Evaluation type Both process and outcome


The aim of this study was to determine the impact of teacher professional learning on teacher knowledge of the Learning Framework In Number (LFIN) from the Count Me In Too (CMIT) numeracy project. Three primary schools were purposively selected and a case study of each school was compiled. Data from surveys, interviews and school documentation were collected. The overall results of the study indicated that there was a diverse range of knowledge of CMIT and the use of LFIN in schools.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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