Evaluation of the NSW Volunteering Strategy 2012-13: Timebanking trial final report

Image: Evaluation of the NSW Volunteering Strategy 2012-13: Timebanking trial final report
Authors Max Smith, Allyson Holbrook, Kevin Lyons, Johanna Macneil, Daniella Forster, Neville Clement, Elizabeth McDonald and Mark Freeman
Evaluator company University of Newcastle and the University of Wollongong
Year 2013
Classification Unclassified
Study type Expert opinion
Evaluation type Process


The aims of the evaluation were to describe how the trial was implemented and to report on the outcomes as reported by participants and stakeholders. The methods included a literature review and the analysis of data from social media sites (Twitter and Facebook) and data on the registration of users and use of the timebanking system in the Hunter and Central Coast trial sites. The trial demonstrated that timebanks can be a powerful mechanism for community engagement and increased volunteering. To strengthen the future of timebanking, dedicated people are needed to facilitate its rollout in flexible ways to suit the local context. In addition, an overarching social media presence and strategy is recommended.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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