Low SES School Communities Smarter Schools National Partnership: Evaluation of school external partnerships - Bridges and Barriers, the challenges of building external partnerships in low SES school communities, progress report 5

Information | |
Authors | Louise Watson, Jenny Chesters, Affrica Taylor, Adam Murray, Stephen Lamb, Michael Long, Merryn Davies and Esther Doecke |
Evaluator company | University of Canberra and University of Melbourne |
Year | 2014 |
Classification | Unclassified |
Study type | - |
Evaluation type | Process |
This report presents survey data on teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of external partnerships undertaken by their schools under the low socioeconomic status school communities National Partnership (Low-SES NP). Survey participants were from 636 schools in both government and non-government sectors with a total of 2,408 respondents. Survey findings indicate that the Low-SES NP has had a positive impact on low-SES schools’ capacity to engage with parents and carers and the wider community on a number of indicators. The findings also indicate that levels of school-parent engagement in secondary schools remain lower than in primary schools, and that teachers’ perceptions of the impact of the Low-SES NP differs, according to their age, length of service in their current school, and their professional role.