Effective strategies for improving student learning - results from Low SES NP evaluation

Image: Effective strategies for improving student learning - results from the Low SES NP evaluation
Authors Shuyan Huo, Stephen Lamb
Evaluator company Centre for International Research in Education Systems (CIRES)
Year 2015
Classification Other evidence
Study type Pre-post study
Evaluation type Outcome


This report was prepared by CIRES at Victoria University and is part of the evaluation of the National Partnership reform initiatives in low socioeconomic status (SES) school communities. The report focuses on student performance in the low SES schools in NSW that participated in the National Partnership agreements, and the extent to which changes in student performance are related to National Partnership initiatives or other factors; and the initiatives that may be identified as making the strongest contributions to changes in student outcomes.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

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  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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