Post-school pathways for secondary students who enrol in vocational education and training

Information | |
Authors | Ian Watkins and Emily Chew |
Evaluator company | Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation |
Year | 2020 |
Classification | Silver |
Study type | Quasi-experimental |
Evaluation type | Outcome |
This report investigates the characteristics and post-school pathways of NSW students enrolled in vocational education and training (VET) courses. Quantitative analysis methods were used to estimate the differences in characteristics between secondary students who enrolled in VET and those who did not enrol, and to determine which characteristics predicted secondary enrolment in VET. This report also used quantitative methods to examine the post-school destinations of secondary students enrolled in VET and how they compare to students that did not enrol in VET, and to determine the features of VET delivery that were associated with post-school destinations. The report provides evidence that students with vey low achievement and socioeconomic status (SES) scores are less likely to enrol in VET than similar students with low scores and thus may benefit from further support. The report also finds that students who enrolled in VET were less likely to be not working or studying when compared to similar students who did not enrol in VET, indicating VET may help student's post-school tranisition to work or study.