Keep Them Safe outcomes evaluation

Image: Keep Them Safe outcomes evaluation
Authors Kylie Valentine, Ilan Katz, Rebecca Cassells, Aron Shlonsky
Evaluator company Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC), University of New South Wales
Year 2014
Classification Other evidence
Study type Pre-post study
Evaluation type Outcome


The evaluation is focused on evaluating outcomes related to system change, improvement of services and the impact of Keep Them Safe (KTS) on vulnerable children and families in NSW. The evaluation was undertaken between July 2013 and June 2014. The evaluation found that KTS has had success in changing the system areas across its four objectives (intervening early; responding effectively; supporting Aboriginal children, families and communities; changing practices and systems). In a relatively short time-frame KTS provided a solid platform for future improvements in the quality of service provision, collaborative practice, adoption of a more strategic approach to early intervention, better engagement with Aboriginal communities and improvements in the identification and protection of children at risk of significant harm (ROSH). The cost effectiveness analysis showed that KTS funding, in particular funding directed towards prevention and early intervention, had a significant impact on reducing the rate of children reported at ROSH to the child protection helpline.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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