OCHRE: Local decision-making accords - Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation

Image: OCHRE: Local decision-making accords - Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation
Authors Ciara Smyth and Ilan Katz
Evaluator company UNSW Social Policy Research Centre
Year 2019
Classification Other evidence
Study type -
Evaluation type Process


NSW Aboriginal Affairs commissioned the Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW to evaluate the Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation (IWAAC) Accord negotiation as part of OCHRE – Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility, Empowerment. OCHRE is the community-focussed plan for Aboriginal people in NSW. The evaluation aimed to assess whether the Accords negotiations were implemented as intended and what can be done to improve outcomes for similar negotiations in the future. This evaluation included qualitative interviews and focus groups with 26 key stakeholders and qualitative document analysis. While some key stakeholders reported the Accords negotiations were implemented as intended, others felt a range of issues and challenges negatively impacted implementation. A range of suggestions were made to improve outcomes from the Accords negotiations.

For further information on the Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility and Empowerment (OCHRE) initiatives evaluation, visit the UNSW website.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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