Test Results


Data Source: NESA

See the Key Terms page for information about data refresh and definitions of terms used.

Designed for

Teachers, Principals and school leaders, Directors, Educational Leadership and Executive Directors. The information displayed in each report will be specific to each user; for example, school staff will view their school's results.

About this report

The Test Results report allows schools to view the outcomes of each test attempt for each domain of the HSC minimum standard for students at their school. Each test attempt in a domain will show as a separate row.

The table displays the student name and number, and the test domain (Reading, Writing or Numeracy).

Also included are the Test Attempt (1 is the first attempt, 2 is the second attempt, etc.), the Test Attempt Date, the Test Result, and the Test Result Level Position.

These results are reported according to the level achieved (1 to 4 from the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF)). The position within that level is included for the reading and numeracy test results with a Low, Mid or High label (not available for the writing test). This gives an indication of where a student achieved within that level. For example, a mid 3 is a better result than a low 3, which is a better result than a high 2, and so on.

How can I use this report?

This report is most useful for a detailed view of individual student results. It displays test attempts along with the test domain, attempt date, test result and test result level position.

Note: This report is not suitable for listing all students who have not met the HSC minimum standard as it does not include students who have not attempted a test. Use the Not Meeting Standard report instead.

What should I look for?

This table lets you sort and find individual students to view their attempt date/s and results.

It could be useful for tracking a student who has made multiple attempts within the same domain to ensure their results are improving towards the minimum standard. Low test results or multiple attempts may help indicate students who need further support to ensure test readiness before they re-attempt the test.

It can also be used to investigate students attempting tests but have yet to achieve the standard in a particular domain.

As this is a table of test results, no information will be displayed for students who have not attempted a test in that domain.

Using the report

Using filters and slicers

Step 1: These slicers affect the data represented in the charts throughout the report. For teachers and executives, your school should be pre-selected; otherwise, select it here.

Step 2: These slicers are optional. They allow you to select a subset of students. The report will update to show results for your selections only.

Note: If you do not make a selection, the report will display ALL results available to you.

It is recommended that you make a selection in both of these steps so that the table will contain a more manageable amount of information than all items for all students.

Filter 'Domain' and 'Domain Outcome' to show the test attempts by students who have not achieved in a particular domain, e.g. not meeting standard in Reading.

Screenshot highlighting the various report filters and slicers Screenshot highlighting the various report filters and slicers
Image: Using filters and slicers

Sorting your results

Selecting the header of each column will sort the data in the table into ascending or descending order.

To identify students with a high number of test attempts, sort by decreasing Test Attempt. Sorting descending will show the students with the highest number of test attempts. This can support schools in reflecting on current test scheduling processes and ensure that student readiness and wellbeing are key considerations in decision-making around testing.

Hold the shift key while selecting column headers to sort by multiple columns.

Screenshot of columns in report Screenshot of columns in report
Image: Sorting results in each column

Exporting your results

You can download the results in this report for further analysis using the ‘More Options’ tab, which appears when you hover above the top right of the chart. Select the three dots, or ellipsis, to bring up the menu, then select ‘Export data’.

Screenshot of how to export data on the report Screenshot of how to export data on the report
Image: Exporting data for further analysis

Saving your view as a bookmark

In the top right of the report, you can save the state of your filters and sorting.

When you change filters or return to the report later, you can select the bookmark you have made and the filtering and sorting will be recalled.

Screenshot of how to bookmark filters Screenshot of how to bookmark filters
Image: Bookmarking filter selection

Reset to default

If you wish to remove selections you have made and return to the initial view of the report, select the ‘back' button in the top right-hand corner of the report.

Screenshot of Scout report showing how to reset to default Screenshot of Scout report showing how to reset to default
Image: Resetting to default settings

To clear selections from an individual slicer, select the eraser button that appears when you hover over the top right-hand side. This will clear selections from that filter only.

Image: Clearing filters from an individual slicer

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  • DoE

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  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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