Average HSC Score vs SSSG / State

The Average HSC Score vs SSSG/State report provides a high-level view of the average HSC score for a school over time (by course) and compares the results to the statistically similar school group (SSSG) and the state.

Schools can use this report to assess the performance of their students compared to their SSSG and identify areas of strength and areas to target for improvement. Trends in performance over time can also be observed.

Directors can use this report to assess the needs of schools and working with the principal and school community to develop strategies for improvement.

Executive Directors and Directors have access to all schools within their principal network.

How will these reports benefit me?

The Average HSC Score vs SSSG/State report allows for comparison of the school’s HSC performance against the state as well as a like with like group based on the statistically similar school group.

Differences between the school and the SSSG are suggestive of areas of particular strength or weakness. Changes can be indicative of the effectiveness of areas of intervention and identify areas for improvement in future HSC cohorts.

What does the Average HSC Score vs SSSG/State report provide?

Note: Results for students sitting HSC courses in non-government schools or TAFE NSW sites will not appear as only DoE schools data appears in Scout for the HSC.

This two page report presents information on:

Page One – Column Chart

Average HSC Course Mark– School, SSSG, State

  • This column chart displays the average HSC Score by Calendar Year for three groups – the selected school, the school’s Statistically Similar School Group (SSSG) and the state.
  • The average HSC score is calculated for all students who attempted the HSC that year, by course where a score was received.
  • The x-axis displays Calendar Year. The last 5 years of HSC data are displayed.
  • The y-axis displays average HSC score.

Number of Students

  • This information tile displays the number of students who sat the HSC for at least one course in the most current, selected year. Note that students who completed the HSC over multiple years will be counted once for each year in which they sat a HSC exam.

Page Two – Line Chart

Average HSC Course Mark – School, SSSG, State

  • This line graph displays the average HSC score for the three groups over time for the selected course – the selected school, the school’s SSSG and the state
  • The average HSC score is calculated for all students who attempted the HSC that year, by course, where a score was received.
  • The x-axis displays Calendar Year. The last 5 years of HSC data are displayed.
  • The y-axis displays average HSC score.

Use the slicers to filter and analyse the data:

  • HSC Year
  • Executive Director Group
  • Network
  • School
  • Cohort Student Group – This enables this report to be filtered by groups that have been created in the Custom Groups App. This is useful for grouping students by class.
  • Enrolment Type Group
  • Key Learning Area – this filters the number of courses listed in the ‘Course Name’ filter to the selected KLA. No Scores will be displayed by KLA.
  • Course Name
  • Gender
  • Aboriginal - The term Aboriginal used in this data set refers to and includes both Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.  In NSW the preferred term is Aboriginal, rather than Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • EAL/D

How can I use the Average HSC Score vs SSSG & State report to support my school self-assessment?

Analyse the average HSC score changes between years to determine the trend. This will support SEF elements, Student Performance Measures, and Assessment and Reporting.

What should I look for?

  • The chart can be used to show changes in the distribution of results over time.
  • Differences between School and comparison groups indicate areas of strength and weakness.
  • The school’s trend in HSC performance (particularly when compared to the SSSG’s trend) can point to the success of actions taken by the school at a cohort level.

Where does this data come from?


How frequently is data updated?


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