HIPL Visuals
Animations and high-resolution posters visualising concepts embedded in the HIPL model and the Principles for building capability.
These resources cover all aspects of the professional learning policy and will assist school leaders to illustrate policy concepts when presenting to a range of audiences. Download and print the high-resolution posters for display around your school.
Overview of the HIPL model

Download the HIPL overview poster (PDF 1141 KB)
Download the HIPL model summary poster (PDF 1844 KB)
The five HIPL elements
Element 1
Download the Element 1 poster (PDF 1040 KB)
HIPL element 1: Professional learning is driven by identified student needs
Teachers want to see all of their students enjoy success. In HIPL-enabled schools, teachers place the learning needs of their students at the heart of their own professional learning needs, by using a range of evidence sources to understand where their students are in their learning, and reflect on their own capability. This diagnostic approach enables teachers to make informed decisions about their own learning so that they can best meet the needs of the students in front of them.
School leaders use a range of evidence sources to identify school-level trends in student learning patterns. They make collaborative, whole-school decisions about professional learning as part of the strategic improvement planning process. This ensures a clear vision and alignment of relevant, evidence-based professional learning which contributes to teacher Performance and Development Plans.
The department uses system-level data to develop and continually improve evidence-informed professional learning that meets school needs and which is available to all staff.
The progress and achievement of every student in every classroom is enhanced because our teachers know, and they are better equipped to meet, their students’ individual learning and wellbeing needs.
Element 2
Download the Element 2 poster (PDF 871 KB)
HIPL element 2: School leadership teams enable professional learning
In HIPL enabled schools, school leadership teams enable professional learning that is based on a shared vision and purpose. They demonstrate commitment to ongoing growth and improvement for all staff as well as students. Sharing how professional learning aligns to school priorities captured in Strategic Improvement Plans and committing to embedding professional learning into daily routines for all staff contributes to building professional learning culture and structures. School leaders include themselves as a leading participant in learning and understand the impact of professional learning at a whole-school level to drive deeper and stronger practice over time. This may be supported through use of the HIPL school self-assessment tool to help leaders to understand the impact of professional learning.
When school leadership teams create environments that enable high impact professional learning and teachers are supported through the strategic use of resources, teachers feel confident leveraging opportunities to work in small teams to learn together and apply new learning.
The department provides a funding allocation specifically to support professional learning. Other funding sources may be used to provide relevant professional learning within the guidelines of the funding allocation.
The progress and achievement of all students is enhanced when our teachers are actively encouraged by their school leadership teams to engage in professional learning that supports the needs of their school and individual students.
Element 3
Download the Element 3 poster (PDF 946 KB)
HIPL element 3: Collaborative and applied professional learning strengthens teaching practice
Research tells us that professional learning best strengthens practice when teachers learn and grow collaboratively and when new knowledge and skills are applied in the classroom.
In HIPL-enabled schools, school leaders create time for regular collaboration and access both internal and external expertise to propel and critically challenge teaching practice.
The department provides expert input to schools through access to specialists and quality assured professional learning, focused on strengthening classroom practice using evidence-informed strategies. This supports the application of new learning in the classroom and opportunities to reflect on the impact on student learning.
Individual student progress and achievement is enhanced as a result of improved teaching practice applied directly in the classroom.
Element 4
Download the Element 4 poster (PDF 890 KB)
HIPL element 4: Professional learning is continuous and coherent
In HIPL-enabled schools, teachers engage in a cycle of continuous professional learning, which is seen as a core part of their role and clearly focused on student needs. Professional learning is integrated into the everyday routines of a teacher and is seen as something more valuable than attending isolated ‘events’ and courses. Teachers use a HIPL approach: using data to inform conversations and decisions about professional learning as part of the performance and development process and align it to their school’s strategic improvement goals and student need.
School leaders take a ‘narrow and deep’ approach to whole-school professional learning. They focus on a small number of high value strategies and support teachers to embed new learning into practice with fidelity over the medium to long-term. They identify and support the development of potential school leaders (such as Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers) who can lead professional learning practice in the school.
The Department identifies where professional learning, advice and support is most needed and aligns this to system and school priorities. It is committed to supporting the sustained implementation of evidence informed approaches.
Students benefit when learning experiences are continuous and facilitated through quality teaching practices which are tailored to their needs.
Element 5
Download the Element 5 poster (PDF 852 KB)
HIPL element 5: Teachers and school leaders are responsible for the impact of professional learning on student progress and achievement
In HIPL-enabled schools, teachers and school leaders take responsibility for the impact of professional learning on student progress and achievement. For teachers, this means knowing when and if professional learning has made a difference. It requires teachers to plan for how they will evaluate the impact of adjustments to their teaching practice on their students’ learning, and continuously strengthening this evaluation to inform their own future professional learning needs.
School leaders also need to understand the impact of professional learning, and use this information to inform the direction of future professional learning at the school level. This is achieved by establishing a strong culture of shared responsibility and using systematic processes to gather evidence on the impact of professional learning on teaching practice and student progress and make ongoing adjustments.
Professional learning from the department embeds mechanisms for teachers to apply new strategies, providing teachers with opportunities to evaluate the impact on student learning. It uses professional learning evaluation data to inform the ongoing improvement of future professional learning design.
In HIPL-enabled schools, student progress and achievement is enhanced through an ongoing whole-school commitment to continually improve and measure adjustments in teaching practice through High Impact Professional Learning practice that is driven by teacher and student need.
Principles for building capability
Principles for building capability
Applying the four principles for building capability ensures that teaching and non-teaching staff participate in professional learning that is relevant to their roles and will develop skills that will contribute to the delivery of excellent service to the whole school community. It helps to ensure that professional learning of all staff aligns to school and departmental objectives.
The principles support school leaders to build high performing, interdisciplinary teams that thrive in a culture of continuous learning and which are focused on school improvement. Leaders play a key role in mentoring staff, sharing knowledge and supporting critical thinking to evaluate the effectiveness of professional learning in addressing the needs of the job.
The department provides access to high quality and role relevant professional learning opportunities for all staff in schools, including non-teaching staff.
School staff are equipped to efficiently and effectively serve their local school communities. They are focused on excellence in school administration and ensure every student is known, valued and cared for.
For more information about each of the HIPL elements, visit the What is High Impact Professional Learning? page or read about the 4 Principles for building capability.
An accessible version of this content will be made available on request. If you need help accessing any content on our website or would like to provide feedback on the resources, please email us at professionallearning@det.nsw.edu.au.