How will the professional learning cycle be implemented?

Identify key aspects of the implementation cycle, including:

  • Who will be involved in the professional learning (which leaders and teachers)? Who will lead it, who will participate?
  • When will this happen? How much time will need to be allocated to engage in the professional learning process?
  • How will collaboration be embedded throughout the professional learning?
  • How and when will new learning be applied in the classroom?
  • What data will be gathered to identify evidence of impact on student learning?
  • How will the professional learning cycle be funded?
  • How will learning from the professional learning cycle be shared with other members of staff? Who will be responsible for sharing? What is the time frame?

Evaluation plan

What data sources and evaluative processes will you use to identify evidence of process quality? For example:

  • surveys/exit slips to gauge how the professional learning was received by participants
  • teaching and learning programs or classroom observations to identify if learnings from the professional learning have been incorporated into practice
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