English – K–2 multi-age Year B – units

Twenty sample K-2 multi-age units will be available for download, released in a phased manner across 2022 and 2023.


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from English K–10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2021.

These units are cumulative and are designed to be taught in numerical order.

A suggested term-by-term approach, aligned with the department’s scope and sequence is outlined below, including the mentor textual concept(s) and unit description.

Teachers of multi-age classes have the flexibility to select Year A or Year B sample units to reflect their cycle of programming.

Unit 1 – Context

Students make connections to their personal experiences and how these shape their understanding of texts. They create texts to represent their own setting, situations (or experiences) and culture. Stage 1 students also consider the experiences and context authors bring to texts.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 1 – Context (DOCX 3.4 MB)

Unit 2 – Narrative

Students explore narrative texts with cumulative and repetitive structures.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 2 – Narrative (DOCX 2.4 MB)

Unit 3 – Perspective; Representation

Students explore texts that represent the natural world realistically, imaginatively or as a combination of both.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 3 – Perspective; Representation (DOCX 1.4 MB)

Unit 4 – Perspective; Perspective and argument; Context

Students engage with texts that present opinions and persuasive arguments through narratives. They study how language, structure and images can present opinions and persuade an audience. Students compose a persuasive text that gives their opinion about taking care of the environment.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 4 – Perspective; Perspective and argument; Context (DOCX 1 MB)

Unit 5 – Imagery, symbol and connotation; Narrative

Students engage with stories and poems that include figurative language and creative wordplay, such as simile, rhyming words and alliteration. They will innovate from studied texts using wordplay and figurative language.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 5 – Imagery, symbol and connotation; Narrative (DOCX 459 KB)

Unit 6 – Context; representation

Students explore context and representation by engaging in texts that present similar subject matter in differing contexts. They will make connections, identifying and comparing aspects of their own experiences to those represented in texts.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 6 – Context; representation (DOCX 398 KB)

Unit 7 – Character

Students explore the concept of character through a study of Australian author Aaron Blabey. They will learn how people, animals and inanimate objects can be characters who are represented and described by their appearance, actions and thoughts.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 7 – Character (DOCX 350 KB)

Unit 8 – Narrative

Students explore predictable structures of narratives. They will learn how narrative features, such as setting and characters, can be real or imagined.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 8 – Narrative (DOCX 476 KB)

Unit 9 – Imagery, symbol and connotation

Through a study of wordless picture books, students will explore how visual features enhance enjoyment of and bring deeper meaning to texts. They will consider how authors convey meaning through illustrations, exploring their use of colours, foregrounding and lines to convey expression or emotion.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 9 – Imagery, symbol and connotation (DOCX 404 KB)

Unit 10 – Context; Representation

Students explore how information can be represented in texts and learn about the features of informative and imaginative texts. Students will adapt aspects of the mentor text for a different purpose and audience.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 10 – Context; Representation (DOCX 1 MB)

Unit 11 – Context; Representation

Students will engage with familiar texts and consider the features of texts that entertain and inform. Innovating from the mentor text, students will adapt the supporting text for a different audience and purpose through the creation of a play/readers theatre.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 11 – Context; Representation (DOCX 883 KB)

Unit 12 – Context; Representation

Students will build on their understanding of representation and context. They will explore how imaginative play is represented in in different contexts and consider the real and imagined worlds we visit through play. Students will consider how settings and situations are represented in texts and identify aspects of their own world reflected in texts.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 12 – Context; Representation (DOCX 8.5 MB)

Unit 13 – Perspective; Perspective and Argument

Students will explore how opinions and persuasive arguments can be presented in narrative texts. They will consider how an opinion or argument can be supported by reasons and use this understanding to compose their own texts to persuade a familiar audience.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 13 – Perspective; Perspective and Argument (DOCX 450 KB)

Unit 14 – Narrative

Students will build on their understanding of narrative features and structures. They will how explore narratives are told through a range of modes and media. They will consider how visual elements can enhance meaning and how narrative patterns and structures support predictions and evoke feelings.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 14 – Narrative (DOCX 587 KB)

Unit 15 – Character

Students will explore how characters can be constructed through words and illustrations. They will consider how characters may be motivated by past experiences and they may affect characters actions, dialogue and appearance.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 15 – Character (DOCX 791 KB)

Unit 16 – Context

Students will engage with informative texts and explore how language; structural and visual features vary according to purpose and audience. They will consider how visual features contribute to and deepen meaning by providing additional information.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 16 – Context (DOCX 1.3 MB)

Unit 17 – Perspective; Perspective and argument

Students will deepen their understanding of perspective and argument by expressing opinions through a critical review of familiar texts. They will consider familiar texts through a critical lens, focusing on specific features such as illustrations, structure and language.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 17 – Perspective; Perspective and argument (DOCX 1 MB)

Unit 18 – Context

Students will explore how shared experiences can be found across contexts, including between different cultures and groups of people. They will explore different cultures and groups in texts and will make connections between texts and with their own experiences.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 18 – Context (DOCX 317 KB)

Unit 19 – Character

Students will explore how characters can be constructed through different modes and media and through a combination of modes, including print and digital texts. They will draw on background knowledge to interpret characters features and actions. Students will consider how audience response to a character is created by how they are represented.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 19 – Character (DOCX 686 KB)

Unit 20 – Imagery, symbol and connotation

Students will build on their understanding of imagery, symbol and connotation. They will explore how figurative language and creative wordplay, including simile, rhyming words and alliteration, paired with visual cues and images can enhance and deepen meaning. Students will innovate from mentor and supporting texts to compose texts using creative wordplay, figurative language and creative visual features.

K-2 multi-age Year B Unit 20 – Imagery, symbol and connotation (DOCX 532 KB)

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