Year 11 – Common module – Reading to write – English Advanced
Sample lesson sequences, sample assessment and resources for 'Reading to write - the shifting nature of identity' and 'Reading to write'
Support materials developed by NSW public school teachers as part of the Stage 6 mEsh project where 62 teachers led writing teams (over 150 teachers) across NSW.
Teachers can adapt the following units of work as required.
- Reading to write sample lesson sequence (DOCX 307.11 KB)
- Reading to write sample assessment (DOCX 57.7 KB)
- Creating voice (PPTX 743.29 KB)
- Resource 3 Feedback ladder (DOCX 43.39 KB)
- Resource 4 Feedforward matrix (DOCX 45.56 KB)
- Resource 5 Reading to writing (PPTX 710.3 KB)
- Resource 6 Creative writing planning worksheet (DOCX 43.34 KB)
- Resource 7 Paragraph structure generic (DOCX 43.98 KB)
- Resource 8 Extended response alarm matrix (DOCX 44.57 KB)
- Resource 12 Point of view (PPTX 968.29 KB)
- Resource 13 Voice version 1 (PPTX 764.53 KB)
- Resource 14 Voice Version 2 (PPTX 757.04 KB)
- Resource 15 Point of view (DOCX 43.88 KB)
- Resource 16 Author point of view (DOCX 42.17 KB)
- Resource 17 Point of view (DOCX 625.85 KB)
- Resource 18 Voice handout (DOCX 47.15 KB)
- Resource 19 Creating voice handout (DOCX 44.71 KB)
- Resource 20 Style checklist (DOCX 44.41 KB)
- Resource 21 Excerpts for style analysis (DOCX 42.92 KB)
- Resource 22 Writing about writing style (DOCX 247.78 KB)
- Shifting nature of identity Sample lesson sequence (DOCX 71.91 KB)
- Shifting nature of identity Sample assessment (DOCX 52.37 KB)
- Resource 1 Reading writing journal (DOCX 1.09 MB)
- Resource 2 Putuparri and the rainmakers (DOCX 43.56 KB)
- Resource 3 Folk tales article (DOCX 43.82 KB)
- Resource 4 Evaluation of resources (DOCX 43.27 KB)
- Resource 6 Small world table (DOCX 44.6 KB)
- Resource 7 Transcript of Stan Grant speech (DOCX 54.21 KB)
- Resource 8 Remembrance Day 1999 (DOCX 44.27 KB)
- Resource 9 Reading and reflection log (DOCX 44.41 KB)
- Resource 11 Chapter title cards (DOCX 42.13 KB)
- Resource 13 micro story activity (DOCX 42.97 KB)
- Resource 14 Big World reading guide (DOCX 42.49 KB)
- Resource 16 Identity debate (DOCX 43.72 KB)
- Resource 17 Damaged goods activity (DOCX 43.4 KB)
- Resource 18 Character table (DOCX 44.13 KB)
- Resource 19 Commission story analysis (DOCX 42.55 KB)
- Resource 20 Commission story analysis (DOCX 54.91 KB)