This assessment task can be adapted for students studying HSC Music 1. Students are required to research the music of a jazz band and discuss how they treat musical concepts and specific performance techniques as well as outlining the influences of jazz in the wider musical context.
Through activities in performance, composition, musicology and aural, a student:
- P2 – observes, reads, interprets and discusses simple music across characteristic of topics studies
- P5 – comments on and constructively discusses performances and compositions
- P6 – observes and discusses concepts of music in works representative of the topics studied
- P7 – understands the capabilities of performing media, explores and uses current technologies as appropriate to the topics studied.
Task description
Research the music of a jazz band. Refer to at least two works to outline the distinctive characteristics of the band’s style.
- Discuss the band's treatment of the musical concepts, including specific performance techniques.
- Place the group in a wider musical context by outlining influences evident in its music.
This task is to be a class presentation. Students are required to illustrate points with musical examples. These may include sheet music, videos, and/or live demonstration of relevant excerpts.
Assessment criteria
Students will be assessed through:
- use of appropriate musical examples
- identification of stylistic characteristics
- understanding of the treatment of musical concepts
- knowledge of stylistic influences.