
In the content endorsed course of ceramics, students use the frames to learn about ceramics, its development and history.

Sample scope and sequence

The sample HSC scope and sequence document provides teachers with an overview for programming and assessment in ceramics.

HSC ceramics – scope and sequence sample (DOCX 82 KB)

Sample assessment schedule

The assessment schedule sample provides an outline of the assessment tasks that could be delivered during the ceramics HSC course.

HSC ceramics – sample assessment schedule (DOCX 88 KB)

Teaching and learning resources

The HSC ceramics unit 'Moulds and slip casting' provides students with opportunities to experiment with mould design and various casting techniques. It is informed by a critical and historical study of key ceramic designers that link to the units theme. It addresses the NSW stage 6 ceramic syllabus module 8: Casting. It encourages students to use a variety of expressive ceramic techniques in their art making practice and develops students’ knowledge and understanding of ceramics in their critical and historical accounts.

This unit can be used as one of the three modules taught in year 12 ceramics. Provided is the HSC ceramics program, yearly assessment schedule, scope and sequence, practical assessment task and stage 6 visual arts life skills modified assessment tasks for practical work.



The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Ceramics Stage 6 Syllabus (2000)External link contains the syllabus and helpful materials including a sample assessment schedule, HSC advice, specimen exams, HSC marking guidelines, standards materials, past papers additional support information.


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