Syllabus information for school leaders

An overview of the pedagogical changes and whole school considerations to support school leaders’ understanding of what has changed for each new syllabus.

New syllabuses by key learning area

Further syllabus information will be developed as syllabuses are released.

Department-approved elective courses

The department has developed a selection of Stage 5 elective courses. Each course has a fact sheet to support leaders and provide advice on whole school considerations, key information and further support:

Purpose of resource

The resources on the ‘Syllabus information for school leaders’ webpage provide an overview of the pedagogical changes and whole school considerations for each new syllabus, so school leaders can gain a high-level understanding of changes to teaching and learning practices and school resourcing.

Target audience

The audience for this resource is school principals, executive teams and school staff. Directors, Educational Leadership (DELs) can also use the resource to support effective curriculum implementation in their schools.

When and how to use

Curriculum implementation is core and ongoing business in schools and effective curriculum implementation drives student growth and attainment, and school improvement.

New syllabuses provide schools with a unique opportunity to re-focus and place curriculum at the heart of school planning. This resource can be used by schools to align professional learning, whole school considerations, resources, and teaching and learning programs to syllabus changes. Reflection questions have been included to highlight the discussions schools may undertake as they engage with a new syllabus.

Research base

This resource was developed by Curriculum and Reform. The research base used was NESA’s NSW CurriculumExternal link.


Email questions, comments, and feedback about this resource to using the subject line ‘Syllabus information for school leaders’.

Alignment to system priorities and/or needsNSW Curriculum Reform

Alignment to School Excellence Framework

Learning domain – Curriculum, Assessment. Leading domain – Educational Leadership, School Planning Implementation and Reporting.

Alignment with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – 2.1, 2.3, 7.2.

Consulted with – Curriculum and Reform CEYPL and CSL teams.
Reviewed by – CEYPL Director and CSL Director
Created/last updated – 8 February 2023
To be reviewed – February, 2024


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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