Enterprise Computing 11–12 Syllabus – information for school leaders
The Enterprise Computing 11–12 Syllabus replaces Information Processes and Technology (IPT) Stage 6 Syllabus (2009) from 2024.
The NSW Enterprise Computing 11–12 Syllabus recognises the critical importance of enterprise information systems. Students develop an entrepreneurial mindset, think creatively, devise solutions and communicate information to a range of audiences using a variety of project work to understand contemporary technology.
The Computing Technology Life Skills 11–12 Syllabus provides an option for students with disability who cannot access the outcomes of this course.
What you need to know
Engage, plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus.
2024, Term 1
- Enact implementation, with the new syllabus taught to Year 11.
- Continue to teach the Information Processes and Technology Stage 6 Syllabus (2009) for Year 12.
2024, Term 4
Enact implementation, with the new syllabus taught to Year 12.
The first Higher School Certificate (HSC) examination for the new syllabus.
The Enterprise Computing 11–12 Syllabus is a complete rewrite of the previous syllabus. Changes include:
- a new digital platform for disseminating information.
- The syllabus, teaching advice and documents, such as course specifications, are now found on the digital platform.
- It is important to regularly check the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) digital platform website for updates.
- the removal of option topics
- students perform project work and apply their knowledge and skills in new and contemporary ways, including interactive media and the user experience, networking systems and social connections, principles of cybersecurity, data science, data visualisations, and intelligent systems
- the outcomes describe the various stages of using and examining data, and understanding systems across a broad range of enterprise fields
- the introduction of an individual Enterprise project in Year 12 for 30 indicative hours
- the introduction of a computer-based HSC examination
- the HSC examination length has been shortened to 2 hours and 30 minutes including 10 minutes reading time
- HSC examination questions which may contain stimulus material
- headphones will be required for questions with video and audio stimulus.
- the computer-based HSC examination will be worth 80 marks
- This is a decrease from 100 marks.
- the structure of the final examination has changed.
- Approximately 20 marks will be objective-response items, with each item worth 1 to 4 marks.
- Approximately 60 marks will be short-answer items worth 4 to 8 marks. These may share a stimulus with other items.

Overview image is from the Enterprise Computing 11–12 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.
Prior to implementing the Enterprise Computing 11-12 Syllabus, leaders will need to consider the following:
- facilities to run the final HSC examination as a computer-based exam
- Devices that can run Minimum Standards examinations are required.
- complexities for staff working to implement multiple new syllabuses and curriculum
- growth and interest in the new subject increasing student enrolment due to the innovative content
- timetabling, staffing, and rooming to support use of technology and resources required in the syllabus
- logistical changes, such as updating the name of the subject in published documentation, subject selection information, and assessment schedules
- building teacher understanding about updated content such as, interactive media and the user experience, networking systems and social connections, principles of cybersecurity, data science, data visualisations, and intelligent systems
- supporting teachers’ understanding of effective project-based learning pedagogies required to meet the intent of the course, including support for students choosing an appropriate Enterprise Computing project in Year 12
- resource and budget implications.
- Learning spaces – the practical nature of the course will require access to a computer lab or laptops.
- Equipment for topics such as Networking systems and software may be required.
- New resources may need to be purchased to support course delivery.
- Additional professional learning for teachers may be required to effectively deliver new content in the course.
The syllabus for Enterprise Computing 11-12 is based on evidence highlighting that:
- 'There is a need for a digital technology stream in K–12 to support digital specialists, individuals who focus on developing digital technology and who want to learn how to code. While most students will not choose to become digital specialists, it is important that all students are introduced to coding to demystify the technology and to expose them to a career path that they might not have otherwise considered.’
Deloitte (2017) To code or not to code, is that the question?, ResearchGate, accessed 30 October 2024.
- ‘Teacher-led direct instruction and a student-centred, project-based approach are compatible. A project-based approach requires students to work together as they tackle complex, real-world problems that emphasize uncertainty, iterative thinking, and innovation. It fosters a sense of purpose in young learners, pushes them to think critically, and prepares them for modern careers that prize skills like collaboration, problem-solving, and creativity.’
Terada, Y (21 February 2021) 'New Research Makes a Powerful Case for PBL (Project Based Learning)', Edutopia, accessed 14 April 2021.
Enterprise Computing 11–12 (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.
Enterprise Computing refers to business-oriented information technology that is critical to a company’s operations. It encompasses types of information technology tools that businesses use for resource management, efficient production operations, relationship management and back office support.
- What opportunities are there to connect technology leaders and industries in the community to students completing the Enterprise project?
- How could these connections enable students to experience the application of entrepreneurial thinking?
- Why do parents and the community value growing technology skills and digital literacy in our students?
- How might the school build a culture of digital literacy to lay the foundations for this course in the future?
- How can students best use their knowledge and skills in using and understanding technology and project-based learning to enrich all aspects of their connection to learning?
- How can opportunities be increased to investigate tertiary education and employment in Information Technology (IT) fields and sectors to meet future demand?
Further support
See the NSW Department of Education Curriculum Reform webpage for updates and additional information.
- Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) Curriculum
- Join the Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) Statewide staffroom
- Email: TAS@det.nsw.edu.au