About K–12 research toolkit

Use the K–12 research toolkit to promote professional conversations with staff about the evidence base to support effective curriculum implementation.

The syllabus specific toolkits support leaders to unpack research articles (identified by NESA and CESE) with their leadership teams and teachers, as key research underpinning the syllabuses.

The Leading curriculum implementation research toolkit supports leaders to examine effective practices for curriculum implementation.

All toolkits include a suite of ‘tools’ with clear focus areas that can be aligned with areas of need. Each tool includes:

  • research snapshots
  • ‘Unpacking the evidence base’ slideshow for each research snapshot or links to text-based protocols and core thinking routines that could be used to foster engagement with the research base.

About the toolkit

Research snapshots give leaders an overview of a piece of research supporting the evidence base. Each research snapshot includes:

  • a focus area
  • research article reference and link
  • key points from the research article
  • suggested prompts for discussion and reflection.

Unpacking the evidence base slides

'Unpacking the research evidence base’ is a series of 4-9 slides to support schools to unpack the research article. Each slideshow includes:

  • a research article linked to a clear focus area
  • step-by-step slides with supporting notes to talk to within professional learning
  • text-based protocols – These are also helpful in preparing for a larger group conversation and future work around common practice.
  • discussion questions from the research snapshot
  • call to action to reflect high impact professional learning (HIPL).

Text base protocols

Thinking creatively and critically through text-based protocols are ways to engage in quick but thoughtful dialogue around provocative ideas based on the evidence base.

Text-based protocols can be downloaded to engage staff with the research base. Most of these activities are 30–60 minutes in length – ideal for team, faculty or staff meetings.

For something quick and a little less formal, the core thinking routines from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education support thinking and promote professional dialogue.

For greatest success:

  • adapt for the purpose of the learning discussion and time constraints of your session
  • larger groups should be broken into groups of 6-8 staff so everyone can contribute
  • establish norms to set the culture and tone for collaborative learning.

Research toolkit


  • Teaching and learning


  • Curriculum
  • Principals and school leaders
  • Teaching and learning
  • Web page

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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