Rural and Remote Marking Program
Providing opportunities for country teachers to participate in HSC marking.
HSC Rural and Remote Marking Program applicationsExternal link open for 2025 on Thursday 6 March and close on Thursday 20 March.
The HSC Rural and Remote Marking Program (RRMP) is a joint program run by the NSW Department of Education (DoE), Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) and the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
The program is designed to give rural and remote teachers the opportunity to participate in marking the Higher School Certificate (HSC). The RRMP is a valuable professional development activity, and allows teachers to gain knowledge, skills and understanding about the marking process.
A limited number of RRMP positions are available each year.
How marking works
Markers generally mark one question of a student's response or a group of questions. Markers are assigned to a small team of markers under the supervision of a senior marker. A supervisor of marking (SOM) manages each marking operation.
The subjects offered under the RRMP are marked externally onscreen, except for Visual Arts – Practical*.
Successful applicants must participate in briefing and practice marking held remotely, online via Microsoft (MS) Teams, before commencing external onscreen marking. These sessions will be over multiple days, evenings, and Saturdays. Details and your NESA MS Teams account will be confirmed in your appointment letter available before the end of Term 3.
External markers may mark at any time from 6 am to midnight, 7 days a week, from a secure, private location. Senior markers will only be available during standard corporate marking hours; 4 pm to 9 pm weeknights and 8.30 am to 4.30 pm or 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays to assist their marking team. Markers must seek approval from their senior marker for alternative marking hours.
* Visual Arts Practical: successful applicants for Visual Arts Practical are required to attend both corporate and itinerant marking. Corporate briefing sessions are held for approximately a week at the Sydney marking centre and then itinerant marking follows for approximately 2 weeks at various metropolitan and regional locations. Details and itineraries will be provided at marking. Markers must attend both corporate and itinerant marking sessions to participate in marking.
Support for teachers and their school
Schools wishing to have teachers participate in the RRMP will need to organise the necessary casual relief and will be responsible for any associated costs if teachers are required at briefing sessions.
NESA will only cover casual relief for any briefing sessions that are scheduled during school hours.
The NSW Department of Education will provide funding totalling $2000 for each NSW Department of Education participant to their respective school to use flexibly to cover the costs associated with attending the briefing sessions such as accommodation, travel and/or casual relief.
Applicants should have recent teaching experience in the subject (within the last 3 years) teaching Year 12 students. Applicants with no or limited previous marking experience are eligible to apply under the RRMP. Retired teachers and principals are not eligible to apply.
General criteria for selection
- Total number of years teaching the course – as a general guide, 3 years of experience teaching the course at HSC level is regarded as a minimum requirement for appointment as a HSC marker.
- Recent experience teaching the course to Year 12 students – successful applicants must have recent (within the last 3 years) experience teaching the course and preference will be given to those teaching the course in the current year of marking.
- Part-time and casual teachers – applicants must provide details in relation to their teaching load (including the number of days/hours per week, teaching blocks).
- Availability – RRMP applicants must be available to attend all briefing and marking sessions.
- Conditions of employment – the applicant must complete this section of the form in order for the application to be considered.
- Approval from the principal – the principal is required to give approval to each applicant prior to the applicant submitting the application form. The applicant must seek approval from their principal to support the application and that they will release them from school to participate in the program.
- Accessibility Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) – NESA will consider the ARIA ranking when assessing applications; however, applicants must also meet the criteria to be appointed.
Important dates
6 March 2025 – Marker applications open for the RRMP.
20 March 2025 – Marker applications close for the RRMP.
Beginning of Term 2, 2025 – All RRMP applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application.
End of Term 2, 2025 – Successful applicants receive an email to confirm their appointment and tentative dates for marking from NESA.
End of Term 3, 2025 – Successful applicants receive a letter, via Markers Online, confirming specific dates from NESA.
October to November 2025 – Marking takes place.
Application forms and enquiries
Application and enquiries for the Rural and Remote Marking Program are due Thursday 20 March 2025.
Complete the online applicationExternal link to participate in this program.
Applications for the program will not open before Thursday 6 March 2025.
Please direct enquiries regarding the RRMP to
Please direct enquiries regarding Markers Online applications, pay rates and marking centres to:
NSW Education Standards Authority
Marker Support
02 9367 8104
Information booklet
For further information, please download the Higher School Certificate 2025 Rural and Remote Marking Program Information Booklet.