Key Figures - Student Growth

What does the Student Growth report provide?

The Student Growth report shows the NAPLAN growth of students in the cohort for the selected assessment and domain.

The report allows school staff to see which of their students are accelerating at the expected growth, which students are progressing by demonstrating below the growth expected, and which students are not growing between NAPLAN assessments.

This report presents two charts:

Number of Students by Growth Type

  • This stacked bar chart shows the number of students in each growth type. This shows the percentage of matched students achieving in each growth type at the cohort level (excluding unmatched students).

Student Growth

  • This column chart shows the growth achieved by each student in the cohort between NAPLAN years.
  • The x-axis displays the student's name. Students are ordered by base year score from lowest to highest.
  • The y-axis displays the growth, i.e. growth year score – base year score.
  • The red line represents the base year score (e.g. N3 when comparing between N3 and N5).
  • Each column represents the growth between the base year and the growth year for one student.
  • Students whose growth is green have achieved the expected growth
  • Yellow growth represents students who grew but did not achieve the level of growth required for expected growth.
  • Red growth represents students who obtained a lower score in the growth year compared to the base year.
  • Students with a blue column do not have a score in the base year. This could mean they were absent from the base NAPLAN assessment, they were not living in Australia at the time, or there may be a data error in the source system where the student has multiple unlinked SRNs. If you believe your student should have a prior score, contact the BI support team for assistance.
  • Hover over the chart to obtain additional information on the student’s performance including the base year score, growth and growth year score. Note that the contents of the hover box change as you move the mouse over the length of the column.

Use the slicers provided to filter and further analyse the data:

Step 1: Select a group of students

  • Which school were they in?
  • Which year?
  • A specific group type?
  • A specific group?

How can I use the Student Growth report to support my school self-assessment?

This report provides an easy visual display of students’ growth between NAPLAN years.

What should I look for?

  • The number and proportion of students achieving expected growth, growing, and failing to grow between NAPLAN years can be used to identify students who may require additional support to maintain their learning trajectory.
  • The Base Year Assessment is the prior assessment. For example, if you select NAPLAN 7 as the Growth Year Assessment, growth is calculated as the difference in score between NAPLAN 7 and NAPLAN 5.
  • Note that the Growth Year Assessment slicer does not contain NAPLAN 3. This is not an error. As this report only measures NAPLAN growth, no growth can be calculated for NAPLAN 3.

Student Growth report particulars

Rules applied to the reports are:

  • If there is no prior scaled score, then the graph will display ‘Not Matched’ (grey/blue bar).
  • If actual growth is greater than or equal to expected growth then it is displayed as Above Expected Growth (green bar).
  • If actual growth is greater than or equal to 0 and less than expected growth then it is displayed as Below Expected Growth (yellow bar).
  • If actual growth is less than 0 then it is displayed as Negative Growth (red bar).

Where does this data come from?


How frequently is data updated?



  • Technology

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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