Key Figures

The Key Figures reports provide school staff with access to two graphs relating to NAPLAN Student Growth and Student Results.

The reports provide users with NAPLAN results and the growth of NSW DoE students in each NAPLAN domain. With these results, the reports indicate and compare the student’s performance with the average, indicating if they are either above or below the expected growth. The reports allow users to view results/growth summarised at the assessment year level, cohort level or at an individual student level.

How will these reports benefit me?

It is crucial to know students’ past performance and their growth, especially a comparison of their current scores to their prior scores and a measure of their growth for the continuity of learning for students. Ready access to students’ previous NAPLAN performance allows teachers to know students’ general ability.

What do the reports provide?

Student Growth

  • This report displays a table that uses two NAPLAN scores, identifying students’ level in comparison to their expected growth. This is divided by each Domain, including Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation and Numeracy.
  • Each Student within the selected Domain will display either ‘At or Above Expected Growth’, ‘Negative Growth’, ‘Below Expected Growth’ or ‘No Prior Score Growth’ to indicate the student’s growth in each Domain. The report provides a drill up/down option to view the growth summarised at the assessment year level for the school, cohort level or at a student level, depending on the user’s selected slicers.
  • Only students who participated in at least one NAPLAN domain are present in the table.
  • Data from the table can be exported to Excel for local analysis.

The Student Results report: Student Results

  • This report displays a table with Current Score, Prior Score, Expected Growth and Actual Growth for each Domain (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation and Numeracy), for the students in the selected NAPLAN Assessment Year (e.g. NAPLAN 5).
  • Provides a drill up/down option to view the scores summarised at the assessment year level for the school, cohort level or at the student level.

Use the slicers to select a specific group) and filter the data for further analysis:

  • Which school were they in?
  • Which Year?
  • A specific group type?
  • A specific group?

How can I use the Key Figures reports to support teaching and learning at my school?

These reports enable users to assess the potential needs of individual students and their cohorts.

What should I look for?

  • Students whose performance or growth is markedly different from their peers, or whose performance in one domain of NAPLAN is greatly different from the other domains. Such discrepancies can help teaching staff identify strengths and areas of need for students.
  • The number and proportion of students achieving expected growth, growing, and failing to grow between NAPLAN years can be used to identify students who may require additional support to maintain their learning trajectory.
  • The Base Year Assessment is the prior assessment. For example, if you select NAPLAN 7 as the Growth Year Assessment, growth is calculated as the difference in score between NAPLAN 7 and NAPLAN 5.
  • Note that the Growth Year Assessment slicer does not contain NAPLAN 3. This is not an error. As this report only measures NAPLAN growth, no growth can be calculated for NAPLAN 3.

Student Growth report particulars

Rules applied to the reports are:

  • If there is no prior scaled score, then the graph will display as ‘Not Matched’ (grey/blue bar).
  • If actual growth is greater than or equal to expected growth then it is displayed as Above Expected Growth (green bar).
  • If actual growth is greater than or equal to 0 and less than expected growth then it is displayed as Below Expected Growth (yellow bar).
  • If actual growth is less than 0 then it is displayed as Negative Growth (red bar).

Where does this data come from?

NAPLAN, Student Enrolments.

How frequently is data updated?



  • Technology

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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