Value Added


Value Added (VA) for 3-5, 5-7, and 7-9 cannot be calculated for 2020/22 as the NAPLAN test was not run in 2020. School VA scores require matching student NAPLAN results across consecutive assessments so growth can be measured (e.g. matching Year 3 2020 scores to Year 5 2022 scores). Since NAPLAN was not run in 2020, we do not have the data needed to calculate VA scores for 2022.

Due to changes in the Best Start Kindergarten Assessment implemented in 2018, the Value Added K–3 measure is not available from 2021.

Data Source: NAPLAN, HSC. Education Statistics and Measurement within CESE performs the Value Added calculation.

Updated: Annually

About the report

The Value Added report displays information about the learning growth of students in schools after adjusting for the characteristics of students, referred to as value-added.

This is a fair, reliable and accurate indication of school effectiveness that is widely used by schooling systems in Australia and internationally.

Executive Directors and Directors of public schools can view all schools within their network.

How will these reports benefit me?

The Value Added reports show the growth of student scores between each pair of assessment years, for example, 3-5 or 9-12, after adjustment for the demographic characteristics of the students.

This can be very useful to gain an overview of changes in performance as it highlights any changes or differences in results over time and across schools.

The Value Added measure is calculated by comparing students' scores in several different assessments, depending on the specific measure: NAPLAN 3, NAPLAN 5, NAPLAN 7, NAPLAN 9, and HSC. To compare results in different assessments, the scores are standardised based on the observed department mean and standard deviation.

Because of this, the assessments do not need to be measured on the same scale, and indeed, this has never been the case when comparing NAPLAN 9 to HSC to calculate the VA 9–12 measure. For this reason, the break in the NAPLAN time series does not affect the calculation of the Value Added measure.

What does the report provide?

This five-page report presents a series of scatter plots with error bars. Each chart displays the growth of student scores (based on NAPLAN and HSC assessments) between the selected years.

NAPLAN Value Added Across Years (3-5)

  • Displays the growth of student scores in the selected school between years 3 and 5.
  • Select a primary or central school.

NAPLAN Value Added Across Years (5-7)

  • Displays the growth of student scores in the selected school between years 5 and 7.
  • Select a primary or central school.
  • Note: You can only view this data by selecting the primary school where the student sat the NAPLAN 5 assessment.

NAPLAN Value Added Across Years (7-9)

  • Displays the growth of student scores in the selected school between years 7 and 9.
  • Select a secondary or central school.

NAPLAN 9 to HSC Value Added Across Years (9-12)

  • Displays the growth of student scores in the selected school between years 9 and 12.
  • Year 9 data is based on NAPLAN, and Year 12 data is based on HSC scores.
  • Select a secondary or central school.

Value Added Across Schools

  • Displays the growth of student scores across schools in the state between each pair of years.

How can I use this report to support my school self-assessment?

Principals can use this report to assess value-add for their school and determine where to drill down for more information. It is important to consider the value added for the school in conjunction with other measures of student performance and growth found in Scout, internal measures within a school, and specific demographic characteristics.

What should I look for?

  • In the VA Across Years reports, the black dot represents the average value added for that school in that year. The whiskers represent the range of confidence in the value-added estimate for the school, and we are 95% confident that the true value added by the school is within that range. The horizontal line represents the average value added for all schools in the state.
  • In the VA Across Schools report, the average value added for a school is plotted on a chart to compare it to other schools in the network. The horizontal black line represents the average value added for all schools in the state.

Need further support?

This How to use Scout guide demonstrates the basics of using Scout reports.

Please get in touch with Scout support if you have any questions or difficulty accessing Scout reports.


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