NAPLAN Reading & Numeracy over Time
The NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy over Time report shows the distribution of students' NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy results across multiple assessments. It allows users to identify differences in the distribution of results for specific groups of students based on enrolment type, gender, EAL/D, and Aboriginality. It also allows individual students to be analysed.
Executive Directors and Directors, Educational Leadership can view all schools within their Principal Network.
How will this report benefit me?
The NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy over Time report illustrates the performance of a school?s NAPLAN results over time and shows how individual students? results compare between NAPLAN assessments.
This report highlights any changes or differences in student scores over time for individual students. This analysis may assist in planning for both responsive and proactive actions for selected students.
What does the NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy over Time report provide?
This report presents four charts:
- NAPLAN 3 Reading and Numeracy
- NAPLAN 5 Reading and Numeracy
- NAPLAN 7 Reading and Numeracy
- NAPLAN 9 Reading and Numeracy
- Each scatterplot compares NAPLAN Reading scores (on the x-axis) with NAPLAN Numeracy scores (on the y-axis) for the same assessment.
- Each data point in a chart represents the Reading vs Numeracy scaled score for one student. Hover over a data point to see the student name and actual scores for the student.
- All scatterplots have the same scale (0-1000) to enable comparisons between each assessment.
- The background for each chart has been colour-coded to correspond to the Bottom 2 (red), Middle 2 (yellow) and Top 2 (green) bands. This provides a visual representation of the proportion of students in each band category.
- Students in the Top 2 bands for both reading and numeracy appear in the green area.
- Students in the Middle 2 bands for both, or the Middle 2 for one and the Top 2 for the other, will appear in the yellow area.
- Students in the Bottom 2 bands for either Reading, Numeracy or both, will appear in the red area.
- Note: the actual band and band category for individual students can be viewed and exported from the report Student-Level NAPLAN Results. This will provide a more accurate result especially for students whose results are in the boundary between two colours.
Use the slicers to filter the data for further analysis:
Step 1: Select a group of students
- Which school were they in?
- Student Name
- Which year was it?
- A specific group type?
- A specific group?
- An enrolment type group?
- A specific enrolment type?
- Gender
- Aboriginality - The term Aboriginal used in this data set refers to and includes both Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In NSW the preferred term is Aboriginal, rather than Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
How can I use the NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy over Time report to support my school self-assessment?
This report supports SEF elements, Curriculum and Learning, Assessment and Reporting and Student Performance Measures. You can use this report to track any changes in Reading and Numeracy over time, and assess whether these changes can be attributed to any measures implemented at your school.
What should I look for?
- Track growth in Reading and Numeracy for individual cohorts or custom groups of students in a school.
- Compare NAPLAN performance between different cohorts of students.
- Students will appear on the Student slicer if they have participated in any NAPLAN assessment at your school.
Where does this data come from?
How frequently is data updated?