R&N guided data package

The NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy – Guided Data Package report shows how the school has performed against each NAPLAN reading and numeracy focus area. It also includes performance against English and mathematics syllabus outcomes.

This report includes results for the students who have participated in NAPLAN Online and NAPLAN Paper.

This report is available to school-based staff and network directors.

How will this report benefit me?

The report allows schools to analyse their NAPLAN performance in each focus area of the assessment for reading and numeracy. This can pinpoint strengths and/or gaps in student’s achieving in the top two bands. For example, some focus area may have been answered extremely well by the school, indicating a strength in the teaching of that topic or skill. It may also help a school identify a focus area which requires further attention and targeted teaching.

Image: Overview of the report

What does the report provide?

This report has information on:

  • Reading
  • Numeracy

Use the slicers provided to filter and further analyse the data:

  • Which domain? (e.g. Reading)
  • Which school were they in?
  • Which exam year?
  • Which scholastic year?
  • Which student in Band Group?
  • Which Test type?
Image: The selection slicers

This report provides information on:

% Item Contribution by Syllabus and by Response Type

This chart displays the % of items which have been asked of students according to a particular Syllabus Outcome. It also displays the proportion of questions which have been answered correctly to a particular Syllabus Outcome.

Image: Syllabus information

% Item Contribution by Focus Area and Response Type

This chart displays the % of items which have been asked of students according to a particular Focus Area. It also displays the proportion of questions which have been answered incorrectly to a particular Focus Area.

Image: Focus Area information

Focus Areas and Resource Search Terms

This table displays the most effective search terms for each focus area which can be used to locate the most relevant resources on the Reading and Numeracy Hub

Image: Research search terms for Focus Areas

Associated Themes and Suggested Resources

This table displays the Reading and Numeracy Hub resources which have been mapped to the Related Cohort Year, Syllabus Outcome, Resource Name and Theme.

Image: Suggested resources (links)

How can I use the report to support my school self-assessment?

This report can support schools in understanding the effectiveness of teaching strategies at the school level. It assists schools with the Assessment and Reporting, Student Performance Measures, Effective Classroom Practice, Data Skills and uses elements of the SEF.

What should I look for?

  • Focus areas where there are larger proportion of items which have been answered incorrectly. These may point to gaps in student understanding and the need for targeted teaching of that focus area.
  • Syllabus Outcomes where there are larger proportion of items which have been answered incorrectly. These may point to gaps in student understanding and the need for targeted teaching of that particular outcome.
  • The % Item Contribution shows those Focus Areas and Syllabus Outcomes which students are asked more frequently in NAPLAN.

Where does this data come from?


How frequently is data updated?



  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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