Units – Stage 2 – First year – English

These sample units are designed for early concept development of Stage 2 outcomes, regardless of students’ year level. NSW students in Years 3 and 4 may work towards Stage 2 outcomes from the English K–10 (Years 3–6) Syllabus.

These units are cumulative and are designed to be taught in numerical order.

A suggested term-by-term approach, aligned with the department’s scope and sequence is outlined below, including the mentor textual concept(s) and unit description.


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from English K–10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2023.

Unit 1 – narrative

Students will:

  • explore how narratives set up expectations for the reader using predictable structure and familiar characters and situations
  • analyse excerpts of the mentor text and use as the basis for their own innovation
  • plan, draft and revise a narrative sequel using an orientation, complication, resolution structure.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 1 – Narrative (DOCX 2.9 MB)

Unit 2 – genre

Students will:

  • gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of genre, and perspective and context
  • apply their understanding of genre to group texts according to their purpose, subject matter, form, structure and language choices
  • experiment with genre to create a variety of texts using their understanding of structure and language choices to suit a text's purpose.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 2 – Genre (DOCX 6 MB)

Unit 3 – argument and authority

In this 5-week unit of learning, students will:

  • gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of ‘argument and authority’ and ‘genre’
  • explore how an argument may be a single perspective that is presented or defended
  • explore the difference between authorship and authority and how they can enhance an argument presented
  • develop texts using language choices for persuasive effect
  • plan and deliver a spoken presentation.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 3 Argument and authority (DOCX 5.90 MB)

Unit 4 – imagery, symbol and connotation

Students will:

  • gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of 'imagery, symbol and connotation' and 'characterisation'
  • develop their understanding of imagery, symbol and connotation and how author’s use imagery and symbols in literature
  • identify how figurative language can influence meaning
  • experiment using salience and figurative language to create a multimodal text
  • make connections to characters in a text by composing a journal entry.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 4 Imagery, symbol and connotation (DOCX 17.5 MB)

Unit 5 – characterisation

Students will:

  • gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of ‘characterisation’ and ‘narrative’
  • explore how authors use dialogue to convey what characters say and think
  • analyse excerpts of the mentor text and use these as the basis for their own innovation
  • use their understanding of characterisation to compose a narrative.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 5 Characterisation (DOCX 8.4 MB)

Unit 6 – perspective and context

Students will:

  • gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of ‘perspective and context’ and ‘theme’
  • identify ways in which perspective is represented in texts and how it informs the setting
  • use their understanding of ‘perspective and context’ to create a factual and historical account
  • describe the difference between themes and topics, and use symbols to represent themes in texts.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 6 Perspective and context (DOCX 4.1 MB)

Unit 7 – narrative

Students will develop their understanding of narrative and imagery, symbol and connotation. They will explore the purpose and structure of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural narratives. Students will investigate how authors use imagery and symbols in literature and identify how figurative language can influence meaning. They will analyse language features in spoken texts and use figurative language to compose and recite a poem. Students will also plan, draft and revise a narrative.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 7 Narrative (DOCX 23.25 MB)

Unit 8 – theme

Students will gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of ‘theme’ and ‘argument and authority’. They will describe the difference between authorship and authority and analyse how an author shows authority of and over a text. After considering the argument presented in a text, students will create 2 persuasive written texts, as well as 2 short oral presentations.

Stage 2 first year – Unit 8 Theme (DOCX 1.42 MB)


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