Stage 2 – second year English units

These sample units are designed for later concept development of Stage 2 outcomes, regardless of students’ year level. NSW students in Years 3 and 4 may work towards Stage 2 outcomes from the English K–10 (Years 3–6) Syllabus.

Teachers should exercise professional judgement in determining the suitability of teaching and learning experiences in meeting the needs of their students. These units are cumulative and are designed to be taught in numerical order.

A suggested term-by-term approach, aligned with the department’s scope and sequence is outlined below, including the mentor textual concept(s) and unit description.


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from English K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2023.

Unit 9 – narrative

Students will explore the mentor concept of narrative and the supporting concept of characterisation through a deep text analysis. Throughout the unit students will develop a deeper understanding of narrative conventions and explore the interplay of plot, character and setting then apply this knowledge when creating their own texts.

Stage 2 second year – Unit 9 narrative (DOCX 2 MB)

Unit 10 – genre

Students will explore the mentor concept of ‘genre’ and the supporting concept of ‘perspective and context’ through careful text analysis. Throughout the unit students will understand that genre refers to texts that are grouped according to purpose, subject matter, form, structure and language choices. Students will plan, create and revise texts for considering perspective and context and informative purposes.

Stage 2 second year – Unit 10 genre (DOCX 3.9 MB)

Unit 11 – argument and authority

Students will explore the mentor concept of ‘argument and authority’ as well as the supporting concept of ‘genre’ through a deep analysis of the mentor text. Throughout the unit students will explore the difference between authority and authorship. They will develop a deeper understanding of rhetorical devices used to strengthen an argument in order to persuade an audience. Students will apply this knowledge when creating responses and written texts.

Stage 2 Second year – Unit 11 Argument and authority (DOCX 4.63 MB)

Unit 12 – Imagery, symbol and connotation

Students will explore the mentor concept of imagery, symbol and connotation as well as the supporting concept of characterisation through a deep analysis of the mentor text. Narrative elements are also explored throughout the unit. Students will produce writing that includes figurative language and free verse poetry. They will develop skills to use language purposefully by applying their understanding of the textual concepts to produce writing that evokes feelings or creates images, while engaging the reader.

Stage 2 Second Year – Unit 12 Imagery, symbol and connotation (DOCX 9.7 MB)

Unit 13 – Characterisation

Students will be learning about the textual concept of ‘characterisation’ and the supporting concept of ‘imagery, symbol and connotation’. Through a close study of the mentor text, they will learn about characterisation as the qualities attributed to imagined characters, including their personality and emotional attributes. Students will examine excerpts from the text that explore the author’s purpose in the development of characters and the various aspects of characterisation, such as appearance, actions, words and thoughts. They will create written texts for imaginative purposes and enhance their understanding of the textual concepts. Students will apply their understanding of characterisation to develop and present their own character in the final part of the unit.

Stage 2 Second year – Unit 13 (DOCX 2.5 MB)

Unit 14 – Perspective and context

Students will explore the mentor concept of ‘perspective and context’ as well as the supporting concepts of ‘theme’ and ‘imagery, symbol and connotation’ through analysis of the texts. Students develop an understanding of how authors use perspective and context to make connections with the themes. They will recognise how imagery and symbol contribute to meaning in literature. Students create multimodal historical accounts and free verse poetry, drawing upon their personal, social and cultural contexts to explore their own identity.

Stage 2 Second year – Unit 14 Perspective and context (DOCX 1.16 MB)

Sample units will be released periodically throughout 2024.

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