FAQs for Virtual VET courses

Find the answers you seek in our list of frequently asked questions for virtual VET courses.

About the courses

The virtual courses will be a blend of industry expert teacher-led structured learning, digitally-enabled interactive lessons, 24/7 access to content, chat rooms and tutorials to connect with other students and mandatory work placement. Some courses will include face-to-face workshops to develop real world skills. These workshops may be delivered at or near the school using a mobile training facility, or at a campus of a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

Online courses provide students with a self-paced option that is well suited to independent learners. The virtual course option is delivered via a virtual classroom, similar to traditional classroom delivery, with set homework, peers in the class, a teacher and an established weekly timetable.

These courses have been designed specifically to focus on emerging industries of employment growth. They allow for students from across the State to create a class when lack of student numbers in a particular location would normally preclude the establishment of a class. The management of the courses will be via the Department’s externally delivered VET (EVET) system, and operate under EVET program guidelines.

All VET courses in Stage 6 contribute to a student’s pattern of study for the HSC. Students who successfully complete course requirements of a 240-hour virtual VET course through an Industry Curriculum Framework will have access to an HSC exam. The result of this exam may be included in the calculation of an ATAR as a Category B subject. Students should discuss their pattern of study with their Careers Adviser to confirm eligibility.

The Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will provide students with HSC examination preparation the as part of the course delivery program, including provision of the HSC trial examination, marking of the HSC trial, and submitting estimates to NESA.

Course materials have been developed in consultation with industries to incorporate the necessary learning, practice and assessment. The virtual classroom will include simulations, and some courses will include face-to-face practical workshops.

All courses have been developed in association with industry and have the potential of a full Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification outcome.

Application and enrolment

Students will need to speak to their school’s VET coordinator or career advisor. 

Expressions of Interest (EOIs) open in Term 2 of the year prior to study and close prior to the end of term 3. It is recommended that students start conversations with their VET coordinator or career advisor as early as possible.

Yes. However, as a Category B course it is important to consider the impact on the ATAR and also the need to complete a significant amount of work placement. Also students can only undertake a single course with the same NESA Course Code, therefore multiple courses with the same qualification outcome are not able to be undertaken.

Details about minimum and maximum class sizes, where applicable, will be indicated in the Department’s EVET system for each course.

Students who have submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) prior to the end of Term 3 will be notified of an offer of placement by the end of November each year.

School sectors/schools are responsible for the provision of student details to enable enrolments. Where the school sector provides data for electronic upload, no Student Details Form is required. Details about the provision of Student Details Forms is made available via the Department’s EVET dashboard.

Course delivery

The indicative times that virtual classroom sessions can be found in the location field in the EVET system. Specific times for individual classes run by TAFE NSW can be found on their TVET timetable, which can be found on the Careers Advisers page of the TAFE NSW website. The actual times and days that virtual courses will run will be dependent on the course, the number of students enrolled. Virtual classes will be recorded to provide flexibility, for example if a student misses a class due to illness, they will be able access the recording from their classroom to catch up on the missed lesson.

Contact your TAFE NSW Schools Relationship Coordinator. Alternate offering days and times may be possible to negotiate subject to TAFE NSW staff availability, if your school or a group of schools can establish a viable cohort for that timeslot. To find out who your School Relationship Coordinator is, check out the TVET Timetable available under the “Resources” section on the Careers Advisors’ page on the TAFE NSW Website or email tvetpathways@tafensw.edu.au

Allied Health Assistant, Automotive Technology, Care in Ageing, Conservation Management, Construction & Virtual Design, Events & Virtual Experiences; Horticulture Production and Robotics

Details of the days and times of virtual classes will be specified in the student’s letter of offer. Should any variation be required after the date of offer this would be communicated via the school in advance.

The course information provided on the Department’s EVET website identifies if a course has a workshop component, and will provide an indication of the number of workshops timing of workshops. The location of workshops will be based on student demand. Details of days, times and locations of workshops will be specified in the student’s letter of offer. Schools, students and parents or carers will need to assess the student’s ability to attend workshops before submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) in the course, and before accepting an offer of placement. 

Any costs associated with travel, accommodation and overnight supervision of a student, is the responsibility of the student’s parents or carers. Schools may choose to assist students in accessing workshops. In rural areas EVET facilitators will work with schools to co-ordinate access to workshops.

Students will be able to contact their teacher outside of scheduled class time. Information about how to contact their teacher will be provided as part of their induction to the course.

Planned and unplanned changes will be communicated to students as soon as practical, in the case of an injury/illness this may be at the commencement of class. Students may have a number of teachers co-delivering a course, and if so will be provided with information about these teachers and their role in the delivery.

Compressed delivery is not available in 2022. These courses have been designed for delivery over two calendar years. However redesigning the courses for a single year delivery could be considered if there was sufficient demand that would allow the establishment of viable classes. Students in schools with compressed delivery may choose to support the delivery of a launchpad course across two years.

Program support for schools

To find out more, please contact your school sectors’ EVET contact. Where TAFE NSW is providing the course schools may contact their local School Relationship Coordinator or email schools@tafensw.edu.au

Student progress and attendance

The impact of missing workshops will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Missing workshops may mean students are unable to achieve competency in one or more units. This may mean students do not receive the qualifications.

The Registered Training Organisation must notify schools immediately of any concerns that may have arisen in regards to a student’s progression or attendance.

The Registered Training Organisation and the school have a joint duty of care to the students. The Registered Training Organisation will work collaboratively with the school to engage students.

If a VET student appears at risk of not meeting their HSC course requirementsExternal link, the principal provides written warningExternal link, advising actions required to correct the problem. At the end of the course, the principal may determineExternal link that a student has not satisfactorily completed a course. A non-completion (‘N’) determination indicates a student has not satisfactorily met course requirements and the course will not be listed on the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) or contribute to the pattern of study for the Higher School Certificate (HSC).

Where TAFE NSW is the delivering RTO, TAFE NSW has responsibility for issuing the warnings and N determination in accordance with NESA’s published processes and timelines. Collaboration with the Principal in monitoring course completion is essential, as an ‘N’ determination in a VET course may result in a shortfall in the student’s pattern of study, and ineligibility for the HSC.

Weekly attendance reports will be distributed to the designated school contact via email. 

Students, parents or carers can contact the teacher via the learning platform or email in the event of illness or misadventure. Schools should contact the Registered Training Organisation regarding a prolonged absence or other issues that may affect a student’s ability to participate (e.g. school-based disciplinary action).

When a student’s enrolment period ends, either at the course end date or when the student withdraws, the teacher will finalise the student’s results. The system then generates the student’s credentials for distribution within thirty (30) days.

Supporting students

As with all curriculum offerings the school is in the best place to determine whether the course, and the way it is delivered, is appropriate for students. TAFE NSW has developed a resource that will help schools, parents and students to make an informed decision about the skills students will require to successfully participate in and complete the course. This resource can be found on the TAFE NSW Launchpad webpage.

Where the school determines that a virtual course is appropriate for the student, schools will need to provide a range of additional wrap-around supports. The level of support will be based on the needs of the students, and how many students from the school are participating in the course. Possible supports include supervision during virtual lessons, provision of a location and equipment for students to participate in these lessons, and appropriate technology support to facilitate engagement in the learning.

The Registered Training Organisation will provide details about the minimum technological requirements for participation in the learning. TAFE NSW has developed a resource outlines the technical requirements to participate in the course delivered by TAFE NSW. This resource can be found on the TAFE NSW Launchpad webpage.

The school will need to support the student in accessing the learning environment, and troubleshooting any technical issues. Once the student can access the learning environment the Registered Training Organisation will provide helpdesk support. TAFE NSW has developed a resource that provides information regarding how to contact their helpdesk. This resource can be found on the TAFE NSW Launchpad webpage.

Schools may determine that students can participate in the learning from an alternate location, such as at home or a TAFE campus, however this must be considered in light of the schools duty of care and with regard to the students access to an appropriate learning environment, including technology, in the location. Where a TAFE NSW campus, included a Connected Learning Centre, is utilised TAFE NSW will have staff in attendance but they will not be responsible for supervision except for workshop delivery.

Work placement

All Industry Curriculum Framework courses include a mandatory work placement, giving students the opportunity to use their learning in a real workplace, and assess their own interest in and suitability to a career in their chosen industry. Students may have opportunity to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for knowledge and skills developed through part-time work or other aspects of their daily life. In some industry areas, a simulated work environment may provide students with their first experience of a ‘work placement’.

Work Placement Service Providers, contracted by the Department of Education, will be engaged to source work placements. They will support the process, including preparation of the Student Placement Record. All work placements will follow the Department of Education’s Workplace Learning Policy. Registered Training Organisations will work with Work Placement Service Providers, schools, students and parents/carers to ensure all parties are aware of the placement and paperwork is completed and stored in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Any costs associated with travel and accommodation, is the responsibility of the student’s parents or carers.


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