External VET Provision (EVET)
Schools participating in the Externally Delivered VET program (EVET) are able to offer students from years 9-12 a range of VET courses developed or endorsed by the NSW Education Standards Authority and delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) external to the school.
Information for students, parents and caregivers
To broaden the range of VET courses available to school students the NSW Government has approved a panel of quality Registered Training Organisations to deliver a wide range of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) endorsed VET courses.
All courses can contribute to the Record of Student Achievement (RoSA) or the HSC, as well as lead to the award of a nationally recognised VET qualification.
Stage 5
Stage 5 VET courses are designed for students in Years 9 and 10 and introduce them to the culture and work practices in a range of trade and services related industries
Stage 6
Stage 6 VET courses are designed for students in Years 11 and 12. These courses develop the skills and knowledge leading students toward a successful transition from school to employment or further education and training. In some cases, these courses may lead to direct entry in a related university course.
Students should talk to their school regarding the courses available to them. Expressions of interest for an EVET course must be made through a student’s school.
Information for course providers
Approval for course delivery is subject to a procurement process and is currently closed.
EVET login (for staff and providers)
For school staff and approved providers only: https://evet.nsw.edu.au/evet/login
Students and parents should talk to their local school about the Externally delivered VET courses available.