Easy English version
This page is about our Disability Inclusion Action Plan. We just call it our DIAP for short.
About our DIAP
Our DIAP says:
- We want people with a disability to feel welcome, important, and supported.
- What we will do to make our schools and workplaces better for people with a disability.
Our goals
Our DIAP has 5 goals.
- Students with a disability enjoy school and get the help they need to learn.
- Parents and caregivers with a disability feel welcome and get the help they need to help their child.
- People with a disability get more jobs.
- Everyone can use our digital information, products, and services.
- Everyone can use our schools and workplaces.
Our projects
We are working together in different groups to meet our goals.
Each group is working on a different project.
Each project helps to meet our goals.
We promise to tell everyone how we are going with our projects.
Learn more about
Students, parents, and caregivers with a disability
We will do work, so students with a disability:
- Feel welcomed in their school,
- Get the help they need when they need it,
- Make more decisions about what they need at school.
We will do work, so parents and caregivers with a disability:
- Feel welcomed and listened to,
- Are treated fairly,
- Get clear information from the school about how to help their child.
People with a disability working with us
We will make it easier for people with a disability to:
- Get a job with us,
- Get different kinds of jobs,
- Learn new skills at work,
- Feel good about the work they do.
Our buildings and events
We will make sure:
- Everyone can use our buildings
- Everyone can go to our events.
Our digital information and services
We will only make digital documents and services that everyone can use.
We will only buy digital documents and services that everyone can use.
We will teach everyone in the Department about this.
For help or more information
- Send us an email: dandi@det.nsw.edu.au
- If you need help to speak or listen to us, you can contact the Department of Education through the National Relay ServiceExternal link or call the NRS help desk at 1800 555 660.